Page 107 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                                                                 Johan Mahmood Merican is currently the Director, National
                                                                 Budget Office of the Ministry of Finance. Prior to his appointment
                                                                 at the National Budget Office in 2018, Johan was the Deputy
                                                                 Director General (Human Capital) at the Economic Planning Unit
                                                                 (EPU) under the Prime Minister’s Office from 2016.

                                                                 Johan was Chief Executive Officer of Talent Corporation Malaysia
 Tan sri dato’ Hasmah Abdullah was former Director General
 and Chief Executive Officer of the Inland Revenue Board Malaysia   from its inception in January 2011 until 2016. He has also served
 (IRBM) and had served the agency for almost 38 years. After     as Principal Private Secretary to the Minister in the Ministry of
 retirement, she joined PricewaterhouseCoopers Taxation Services   Finance and subsequently, in the Economic Planning Unit (EPU).
 Sdn Bhd as a Tax Advisor from 1 July 2011 until 30 September    Before serving the Government, Johan worked in the private sector
 2013. She is currently an independent and non-Executive Director   JOHaN  MaHMOOD  MErICaN   for nine years in corporate finance and accounting roles at MRCB,
 of UMW Holdings Bhd since 1 September 2013 and Panasonic   Appointed 17 August 2018  Sime Darby and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
 Manufacturing Malaysia Bhd from 1 October 2013.
                                                                 Johan trained as a Chartered Accountant, being member of the
                                                                 Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales since 1998.
 Tan Sri Hasmah also sits on the Board of Trustees of the Malaysian
 Tax Research Foundation, Dana Amal Jariah, Yayasan Allammiyyah   He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge.
 and Alzheimers Disease Foundation Malaysia (since 7 June 2018),
 and a member of the Executive Council of the Selangor and Federal
 Territory Association for the Mentally Handicapped (SAMH). Tan   datuk dr Khaw Lake Tee was former Vice Chairperson of
 Sri Hasmah graduated in 1973 with a bachelor’s degree in Arts   the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM). Until
 (Honours) from University of Malaya.  her retirement from University of Malaya, Datuk Dr Khaw was
                           a professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya, where
                           she joined as a lecturer in 1982. At the University, she was the
                           Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Development from 2007 to 2010
                           and the Dean of the Faculty of Law from 2004 to 2007.

                           Datuk Dr Khaw, who graduated with a Bachelor of Law (LLB)
                           degree from the University of Malaya, obtained her PhD from
                           the London School of Economics and a Masters of Law (LLM)
                           degree from Monash University, Melbourne, and was called    DatUK  Dr  KHaW  LaKE  tEE
                           to the Malaysian Bar as an Advocate and Solicitor of the High    Appointed 17 August 2018
                           Court of Malaya in 1979.

                                                                 Ahmad Faris Rabidin served as an independent consultant
                                                                 with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) providing technical
 taN  SrI  Dr  NOOrUL  aINUr  MOHD  NUr                          assistance to the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) of Indonesia
 Appointed 5 April 2018                                          between 2006 and 2018.

                                                                 He has been involved in various strategic leadership roles in
                                                                 market development initiatives for the Indonesian financial
                                                                 and capital markets. He was also the Lead Advisor for the OJK
                                                                 Financial Market Masterplan and designed the Indonesian Bond
                                                                 Market Development Plan. Prior to this, Faris was the Regional
                                                                 Director of MainStream & Co Ltd, where he was responsible
                           aHMaD  FarIS  raBIDIN                 for the Enterprise Risk management solutions, financial market
                           Appointed 4 November 2018             architecture framework and incubated Bond Pricing Agencies in
                                                                 Malaysia and Indonesia. Faris was also a member of the 1MDB
                                                                 Investigating Committee and Secretariat of the Council of
                                                                 Eminent Persons until September 2018.

                                                                 Faris graduated from the Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh with a
                                                                 degree in Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics.

                                                                                        PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  97

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