Page 51 - AOB 2018 (ENG)
P. 51


                     11.2  Gains arising from financial instrument

                                                                                        2018          2017
                                                                                         RM           RM
                          Gains on:
                          Financial assets at amortised cost                           52,476              -
                          Loans and receivables                                              -       31,233

                                                                                       52,476        31,233

                     11.3  Financial risk management objectives and policies

                           The AOB is primarily exposed to liquidity risk in the normal course of the AOB’s operations. As
                           the AOB is administered by the SC, the AOB is subject to the SC’s financial risk management

                     11.4  Liquidity risk

                           Liquidity risk is the risk that the AOB will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall
                           due. The AOB’s exposure to liquidity risk arises principally from its various payable.

                           The AOB, via the SC, monitors and maintains a level of cash and cash equivalents deemed
                           adequate to finance the AOB’s operations and receives financial support from the SC to ensure,
                           as far as possible, that it will have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when they fall due.

                           Maturity analysis

                           The table below summarises the maturity profile of the AOB’s financial liabilities as at the end of
                           the reporting period based on undiscounted contractual payments.

                                                                        Carrying     Contractual     Under
                                                                        amount         cash flow     1 year
                                                                          RM             RM           RM
                          Financial liabilities
                          Other payables and accruals                    49,000        49,000        49,000

                          Financial liabilities
                          Other payables and accruals                    22,000        22,000        22,000

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