Page 63 - AOB 2018 (ENG)
P. 63


                 No.  Auditors                                    Action taken

                Failure to comply with certain requirements of the ISA in the performance of an audit of a PIE (Cont’d)
                 10.  Gary Yong Yoon Shing of Nexia SSY, engagement  1.  Reprimand.
                      partner in the audit of a PLC for the financial year
                      ended 31 December 2012.

                 11.  Jason Sia Sze Wan of Nexia SSY, engagement   1.  Reprimand.
                      partner in the audit of a PLC for the financial year
                      ended 31 December 2012.
                 12.  Lye Ghee Kang of CAS Malaysia PLT, engagement  1.  Reprimand.
                      partner in the audit of a PLC for the financial year
                      ended 30 April 2017.

                Failure to comply with certain requirements of the ISA dealing with EQCR
                 13.  Wong Joo Hua of McMillan Woods Mea, EQCR    1.   Prohibited from auditing PIEs or schedule
                      partner in the audit of a PLC for the financial year   funds for 12 months; and
                      ended 31 December 2016.                     2.   Prohibited from accepting PIEs or schedule
                                                                       funds as clients for 12 months.
                 14.  Lim Teik Ee of Siew Boon Yeong & Associates,   1.   Prohibited from auditing PIEs or schedule
                      EQCR partner in the audits of 3 PLCs for the     funds for 9 months.
                      financial years ended 31 December 2016, 31
                      January 2017 and 31 March 2017.

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