Page 15 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 15


                          Brighter   Future  with  Green  Finance

                          Over the last two years, Malaysia has seen encouraging growth in the number of green projects financed through the SRI
                          Sukuk Framework and the ASEAN GBS. Besides funding green buildings, green finance has also facilitated the
                          development of a growing number of solar power plants, supplying up to a total of approximately 299 megawatts for

                                      Green projects financed under SRI Sukuk Framework and ASEAN GBS
                                                                               Quantum Solar Park
                                                  Sinar Kamiri                   (Semenanjung)
                                                 RM245 million                    RM1 billion
                                                   SRI Sukuk                       SRI Sukuk
                                                    (2018)        50 MW             (2017)
                                     UiTM Solar Power             solar PV power plant
                                      RM222 million     49 MW
                                      SRI Sukuk and     solar PV             50 MW                 Tadau Energy
                                          AGB            power               solar PV             RM250 million
                                         (2018)           plant              power plant            SRI Sukuk
                                                                             50 MW                   (2017)
                                                                             solar PV
                                                                             power plant

                                         Segi Astana                     50 MW              50 MW
                                       RM415 million                     solar PV power plant  solar PV power
                                        ASEAN Green
                                               PNB Merdeka Ventures                                    Solar Photovoltaic
                                                  RM690 million                                        (PV) Power Plant
                                                  SRI Sukuk and
                                                     AGB                                               Green Building
                                                                                                    *  MTN refers to Medium
                                                                                                       Term Note

                                In 2018, following the International Capital     of sustainable asset classes. To support
                                Market Association’s (ICMA) issuance of its      ASEAN’s sustainable development needs, the
                                revised Green Bond Principles (GBP), the         ACMF developed:
                                ASEAN GBS was correspondingly revised in
                                October to ensure its alignment with ICMA’s      (i)   ASEAN Social Bond Standards (ASEAN
                                GBP. The revised edition provides, among              SBS), based on ICMA’s Social Bond
                                others, additional guidance and updated               Principles, for financing projects that
                                definitions as well as encourages timely              are socially beneficial; and
                                reporting of material developments.
                                                                                 (ii)   ASEAN Sustainability Bond Standards
                           •    ASEAN Social Bond Standards and ASEAN                 (ASEAN SUS), based on ICMA’s
                                Sustainability Bond Standards                         Sustainability Bond Guidelines, for
                                                                                      financing a combination of both green
                                In line with the growing importance of                and social projects that offer
                                sustainable finance in ASEAN, one of ACMF’s           environmental and social benefits.
                                key initiatives in 2018 was the development

                                                                                            PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH  |  5
                                                                                            PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH  |  5

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