Page 18 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 18


                           Promoting the sustainable finance agenda in 2018

                             WOrLD                                             SUStaINaBLE
                         BENcHmarkING                Sc-OcIS                    INVEStmENt               GrEEN  FINaNcE
                            aLLIaNcE              9    rOUNDtaBLE               rOUNDtaBLE                    FOrUm
                             5 February             24 & 25 March                   16 July                  17 October

                           Consultation by   An annual collaboration between   Promoting sustainability in the   The forum provided potential
                         World Benchmarking   the SC and the Oxford Centre    capital market through greater   fundraisers and financial
                         Alliance (WBA) with   for Islamic Studies (OCIS) on the   awareness of regional and global   intermediaries an update of
                          key stakeholders in   advancement of global thought   initiatives, adoption of SRI among   initiatives by the government
                        Malaysia to understand   leadership in Islamic finance.   retail investors and the need for a   agencies in the area of green
                          how corporate SDG   Focus in 2018 was on ‘Enhancing   Malaysian standard incorporating   financing and funding options
                          benchmarks can be    the Value of Islamic Capital   ESG and Islamic principles    offered by ICM
                        designed to create value   Market through Social and
                                                  Impact Investment’
                        caPItaL  markEtS                                                              mINIStEr'S  DIaLOGUE
                           SymPOSIUm              GrEEN  FINaNcE               UNDP-ISDB-Sc             WItH   cOrPOratE
                                                    WOrkSHOP                       FOrUm                 SUStaINaBILIty
                           6 & 7 February                                                                  maNaGErS
                                                      12 April                   27 September
                        Sc-WOrLD  BaNk-                                                                     4 December
                        IOScO  aSIa  PacIFIc    Raising awareness of how    Held on the sidelines of the 73
                         HUB  cONFErENcE     capital market products, especially   UN General Assembly, global   A dialogue with the Minister
                                             Islamic finance instruments, align   industry leaders discussed how   of MESTECC, CMM, Bursa
                            14 & 15 May       with the medium to long-term   Islamic finance can provide an   Malaysia and public listed
                                               financing needs of renewable   innovative financing mechanism   companies to collectively aim
                          (Events featured on    energy project owners    for the private sector to support   towards achieving the UN’s          Datuk Zainal Izlan
                           pages 9 and 32)                                the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable   2030 Agenda for Sustainable             Zainal Abidin
                                                                                 Development               Development
                                                                                                                                                 Deputy Chief Executive
                                                                                                                                               Securities Commission Malaysia

                        •    Guidelines on SRI Funds                     Profiling Malaysia as a growing
                                                                         sustainable finance hub
                             To facilitate and encourage greater growth of
                             SRI funds, the SC introduced the Guidelines   The SC’s participation in various events and
                             on SRI Funds in December 2017. This was     leadership role in forums related to SRI and SDGs
                             intended to strengthen Malaysia’s leadership   ensures continued awareness on sustainable finance
                             position in the SRI fund market in the region.   and Malaysia’s growing presence in this domain.
                             Since then, four qualified SRI funds have been   These events provide a platform for the SC to
                             launched by the industry under these        connect and engage with thought leaders, market
                             Guidelines in 2018. This includes the world’s   practitioners, policymakers and other stakeholders.
                             first ESG sukuk fund.
                                                                         This helps shape policies and explore new ways of
                                                                         engaging with the capital market community in
                                                                         order to meet the goals of sustainable development.

                   8  |  PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH

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