Page 154 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 154


                                   The carrying amount of fixed deposits is assumed to reasonably approximate their fair values.

                                   The table below analyses financial instruments not carried at fair value for which fair value is
                                   disclosed, together with their carrying amounts shown in the statement of financial position.

                                                            Fair value of financial instruments
                                                                 not carried at fair value
                                                                                                   Total    carrying
                                                              Level 1     Level 2    Level 3    fair value   amount
                                                              RM’000      RM’000     RM’000      RM’000      RM’000
                                   Financial assets
                                   Long-term receivables            -           -     6,324       6,324       6,324
                                   Malaysian Government
                                      Securities and Government
                                      Guaranteed Bonds              -    152,533           -    152,533     151,972

                                                                    -    152,533      6,324     158,857     158,296

                                   Financial assets
                                   Long-term receivables            -           -     8,234       8,234       8,234
                                   Malaysian Government
                                      Securities and Government
                                      Guaranteed Bonds              -    245,831           -    245,831     244,017

                                                                    -    245,831      8,234     254,065     252,251

                                   Level 1 fair value
                                   Level 1 fair value is derived from unadjusted quoted price in active markets for identical financial
                                   assets that the entity can access at the measurement date.

                                   Level 2 fair value
                                   Level 2 fair value is estimated using inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that
                                   are observable for the financial assets, either directly or indirectly.

                                   Transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair values
                                   There has been no transfer between Level 1 and 2 fair values during the financial year. (2017:
                                   no transfer in either directions)

                                   Level 3 fair value
                                   Level 3 fair value is estimated using unobservable inputs for the financial assets.

                   144  |  PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES

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