Page 152 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 152
The receivables that are past due has not recognised any loss allowance as the receivables are
supported by collateral in the form of residential properties with respective fair value exceeding
its outstanding debts.
The fair values of these collateralised properties are determined using the comparison method
based on professional valuation.
No impairment was performed on the receivables.
Comparative information under MFRS 139, Financial Instruments : Recognition and Measurement
The aging of trade receivables as at 31 December 2017 was as follow:
gross- Loss Net
carrying amount allowance balance
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Not past due 34,760 - 34,760
Past due 1 - 30 days - - -
Past due 31 - 90 days - - -
Past due 91 - 180 days 67 - 67
Past due more than 180 days 340 - 340
35,167 - 35,167
cash and cash equivalents
The cash and cash equivalents are held with banks and financial institutions. As at the end
of the reporting period, the maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by their carrying
amounts in the statement of financial position.
These banks and financial institutions have low credit risk. In addition, some of the bank
balances are insured by government agencies. Consequently, the SC are of the view that the
loss allowance is not material and hence, it is not provided for.
Investments and other financial assets
Risk management objectives, policies and processes for managing the risk
Investments are allowed only in liquid securities and only with counterparties that have credit
rating that are sovereign or near sovereign.
Exposure to credit risk, credit quality and collateral
As at the end of the reporting period, the SC has only invested in Malaysian government
securities and government guaranteed bonds. The maximum exposure to credit risk is
represented by the carrying amounts in the statement of financial position.
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