Page 180 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 180


                        Table 3
                        Investments during 2018

                                                                    New investments  Percentage of all
                         Business stage                                (RM’000)        investment     No. of companies
                         Seed                                                  -               -              -
                         Start-up                                        4,920.77         0.80%              5
                         Early stage                                   285,030.30        46.48%             35

                         Growth                                        247,963.88        40.43%             61
                         Bridge/mezzanine/pre-IPO                        4,135.99         0.67%              3
                         Turnaround/Restructuring                        6,182.11         1.01%              6
                         Others                                         65,044.29        10.61%              7
                         All investments                               613,277.34       100.00%            117

                        Investee companies at the early and growth stages   Chart 3
                        received the bulk of the funding in 2018 where 96   Investments during year, percentage by sectors
                        investee companies received funding amounting to                                        2018
                        RM533 million, representing 86.9% of total                                              2017
                        investments made during the year (Table 3).
                                                                             IT and                22.73%
                                                                      Communications         14.03%
                        Investments into start-up stage stood at 0.8% of
                        total investments made during the year, where the
                        investments were channeled into 5 investee      Manufacturing   5.85%
                        companies.                                                                   24.62%

                        Investments towards the life sciences sector
                        accounted for 49.6% of investments during the    Life sciences                                49.63%
                        year. These investments were primarily channeled                                                52.70%
                        towards medical devices, pharmaceutical and
                        environmental biotechnology. IT and
                        communications saw an increase in share of           Others                21.79%
                        investments to 22.7% while manufacturing share                    8.65%
                        decreased to 5.9% (Chart 3).

                        Other sectors recorded a share of 21.8%. These   Divestments in 2018 were mainly in investee
                        sectors included investments in wholesale and   companies in the growth stage amounting to
                        retail trading, creative media, logistics, education   approximately RM95 million, representing 59% of
                        and financial services.                         total divestments during the year. (Table 4)

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