Page 178 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 178


                             veNTuRe cAPITAL ANd

                             PRIvATe eQuITy

                        The total number of registered corporations stood at   cumulative investments stood at RM3.1 billion.
                        117 as at 31 December 2018 (Table 1). The venture   As for divestments, there was a decrease from
                        capital segment accounted for 105 registered    RM375.2 million in 2017 to RM161 million in
                        corporations (VCMC and VCC) while the private   2018. In this regard, the divestments, either partial
                        equity segment consisted of 12 registered corporations   or full, involved 75 investee companies which were
                        (private equity management corporation (PEMC) and   divested in 2018 compared to 59 companies in
                        private equity corporation (PEC)). The year saw a   2017. Divestments recorded during the year were
                        number of new registrants of homegrown as well as   mainly through IPOs and sale or distribution to
                        local offices of regional firms such as RHL Ventures   investors.
                        Sdn Bhd, Sun SEA Capital Sdn Bhd and V V P
                        Advisors (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.                    Public funds remain the largest source of capital
                                                                        for the industry with government agencies and
                        The number of investee companies increased from   investment companies making up 40.2% while
                        381 in 2017 to 387 in 2018. As of end 2018, the   sovereign wealth funds contributed 30.2%. Private
                        number of professionals employed by the industry   sector contribution to the industry were led by
                        with at least four years’ experience stood at 235.  asset managers (9.7%) followed by corporate
                                                                        investors (10.8%) and individual investors and
                        Total committed funds in the industry as at end of   family offices (5.1%).
                        2018 stood at RM6.1 billion (Table 2). This decrease
                        is largely due to a deregistration of a major VC.   The top 3 registered corporations by amount of
                        Despite this, 2018 saw a 46.8% increase in      investor commitments as at end 2018 were Xeraya
                        investment activity amounting to RM613.3 million   Capital, Malaysia Venture Capital Management
                        invested during the year from RM417.8 million in   Bhd (MAVCAP) and COPE Private Equity Sdn Bhd.
                        2017. At the end of the year under review, the total

                        Table 1
                        statistics of industry participants
                                                                                   31 December 2018  31 December 2017

                         Number of registered corporations                               117               110
                         Number of registered VCMCs and VCCs                             105               101

                         Number of registered PEMCs and PECs                              12                 9
                         Number of investee companies                                    387               381
                         Number of VC & PE professionals 1                               235               182

                        1    Professionals with more than 4 years of experience.

                   168  |  PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES

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