Page 199 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 199


                           Table 7
                           outcome of criminal trials and appeals in 2018 (Continued)

                                  Nature of
                           No.                      Offender(s)     Description
                           3.     Furnishing false   Alan Rajendram   On 24 June 2010, Alan Rajendram, a former executive director
                                  statements to Bursa  Jeya Rajendram   of LFE Corporation Bhd (LFE), was charged under section 122B(b)
                                  Malaysia Securities   (Alan Rajendram)  (bb) of the SIA and section 369(b)(B) of the CMSA for knowingly
                                  Bhd                               permitting the furnishing of false statements by LFE to Bursa
                                                                    Malaysia Securities Bhd in relation to LFE’s unaudited financial
                                                                    results for all 4 quarters for its financial year ended 31 December
                                                                    2007. The false statements were in relation to fictitious purchases
                                                                    of approximately RM119 million made by LFE International Ltd, a
                                                                    subsidiary of LFE.

                                                                    On 10 October 2012, the Sessions Court convicted Alan
                                                                    Rajendram of all 4 charges and sentenced him to 1 year
                                                                    imprisonment and a fine of RM300,000 for each charge. The jail
                                                                    term is to run concurrently.

                                                                    On 28 November 2016, the High Court dismissed Alan
                                                                    Rajendram’s appeal against his conviction and sentence.

                                                                    On 23 March 2018, the Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal
                                                                    and Alan Rajendram was ordered to serve his sentence with
                                                                    immediate effect.
                           4.     Submission        Dato’ Lim Kim   Dato’ Lim KM was charged with having committed an offence
                                  of misleading     Ming            under section 32B(1)(a)(aa) read together with section 138(2)
                                  information to the   (Dato’ Lim KM)  of the SCA when GP Ocean Food Bhd (GP Ocean) submitted
                                  SC in connection                  through Alliance Merchant Bank Bhd, misleading information to
                                  with a proposal                   the SC contained in:

                                                                    •  Gropoint Fisheries Sdn Bhd’s Directors’ Report and Audited
                                                                       Financial Statements 31 January 2006; and
                                                                    •  Gropoint Seafood Industries Sdn Bhd’s ‘Directors’ Report and
                                                                       Audited Financial Statements 31 January 2006.

                                                                    Gropoint Fisheries Sdn Bhd and Gropoint Seafood Industries Sdn
                                                                    Bhd were at the material time subsidiaries of GP Ocean. The
                                                                    information was required to be submitted to the SC in connection
                                                                    with GP Ocean’s proposal for listing on the Main Board of Bursa
                                                                    Malaysia Securities Bhd.

                                                                    Dato’ Lim KM was charged in the Sessions Court on 22 May
                                                                    2007. On 6 January 2011, the Sessions Court acquitted and
                                                                    discharged him. The Prosecution then appealed to the High
                                                                    Court, which on 14 February 2017, overturned the acquittal and
                                                                    ordered Dato’ Lim KM to enter his defence on the charge against

                                                                    On 28 March 2018, the Sessions Court acquitted Dato’ Lim KM at
                                                                    the end of the Defence’s case.

                                                                    On 9 April 2018, the Prosecution filed an appeal to the High
                                                                    Court against the acquittal.

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  189

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