Page 203 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 203

                           Table 7
                           Outcome of criminal trials and appeals in 2018 (Continued)
                                   Nature of
                            No.                     Offender(s)     Description
                            11.    Misleading       Wahid Ali Kassim   Wahid Ali, a former director of Aiwanna Manage Assets Sdn Bhd
                                   statements in    Ali (Wahid Ali)  (Aiwanna) was charged on 10 October 2005 with 3 counts of
                                   connection with                  omitting to state a material fact pertaining to the investment of
                                   the purchase of                  Aiwanna’s client, Eastern Pacific Industrial Corporation Bhd (EPIC)
                                   securities                       whereby the material fact was necessary to make the statement
                                   [s.87A (c) of the SIA            of accounts issued to EPIC not misleading.
                                                                    The High Court on 14 January 2013 dismissed Wahid Ali’s appeal
                                                                    against his conviction and the sentence imposed by the Sessions
                                                                    Court on 30 June 2009. Wahid Ali then filed an appeal to the
                                                                    Court of Appeal. On 14 May 2015, the Court of Appeal remitted
                                                                    the case to the High Court for a re-hearing of the appeal.

                                                                    On 27 May 2016, at the re-hearing of the appeal, the High Court
                                                                    confirmed the conviction for all 3 charges. For each charge, he
                                                                    was sentenced to 1 year imprisonment term and a fine of RM1
                                                                    million (in default of the total RM3 million fine, 1 year jail). The
                                                                    imprisonment terms were to be served concurrently. The High
                                                                    Court allowed for Wahid Ali’s application to stay the execution of
                                                                    the sentences pending appeal to the Court of Appeal.
                                                                    On 13 April 2018, the Court of Appeal allowed Wahid Ali’s appeal
                                                                    and set aside the conviction by the Sessions Court and the High
                            12.    Prohibited conduct   Dato’ Lim Kim   Dato’ Lim KC was charged with 11 charges under section 188(2)
                                   of person in     Chuan           (a) of the CMSA for acquiring 398,000 units of M3nergy Bhd
                                   possession of inside  (Dato’ Lim KC)  (M3nergy) shares between 6 August 2008 to 11 September 2008
                                   information                      while in possession of inside information. Dato’ Lim KC was the
                                                    Tay Hup Choon   CEO and Director of Melewar Industry Group Bhd and was also
                                                    (Tay HC)        Director of M3nergy at the material time.
                                                    Theng Boon      The inside information was in relation to the proposed take-over
                                                    Cheng (Theng BC)  offer by Melewar (BVI) Ltd (Melewar) to acquire M3nergy which
                                                                    was announced to Bursa Malaysia on 12 September 2008. The
                                                                    shares were acquired by Dato’ Lim KC through trading accounts
                                                                    belonging to 2 other individuals.

                                                                    Tay HC was charged with 9 charges of abetting Dato’ Lim KC
                                                                    in the commission of the offences under section 370(c) read
                                                                    together with section 188(2)(a) of the CMSA. Tay HC was one of
                                                                    the account holders of the trading account used by Dato’ Lim KC
                                                                    to acquire the M3nergy shares. Tay is Dato’ Lim KC’s brother-in-law.

                                                                    Theng BC was charged with 11 charges of abetting Dato’ Lim KC
                                                                    in the commission of the offences under section 370(c) read
                                                                    together with section 188(2)(a) of the CMSA. Theng BC was the
                                                                    remisier who executed the trades of the M3nergy shares for Dato’
                                                                    Lim KC.

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATISTICS AND ACTIVITIES  |  193
                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  193

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