Page 209 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 209


                           Table 8
                           outcome of civil action taken (Continued)

                                 Nature of
                           No.                  Defendants     Description                 Outcome
                           2.    •  False trading  •  Kenneth Vun  On 22 July 2014, the SC filed a   On 1 March 2018, the High Court
                                    and market     @ Vun Yun   civil suit against the 7 Defendants.   recorded a Consent Judgment
                                    rigging        Liun        The SC sought, among others:  between the SC and all the
                                    transaction  •  Teng Choo                              Defendants granting the following
                                                   Teik        •  A declaration that the   orders:
                                 •  Stock market  •  Simon Ling   defendants had engaged
                                    manipulation   Siang Hock     in false trading and market   •  The Defendants shall jointly and
                                                •  Lye Pei Ling   rigging transactions in respect   severally pay the sum of
                                                •  Chuah Hock     of DVM shares from 14 March   RM3,823,231.92 which consist
                                                   Soon           2006 until 21 March 2006;   of:
                                                •  Choong Lay   •  A declaration that the   •  Special damages of
                                                   Ti             defendants had engaged in stock   RM3,073,231.92; and
                                                •  Gui Boon       market manipulation in respect  •  A civil penalty of RM750,000.
                                                   Huat           of DVM shares from 14 March   •  The Defendants shall not hold
                                                                  2006 until 21 March 2006;   office as directors in any PLC for
                                                               •  A declaration that all profits   a period of 5 years;
                                                                  earned by the defendants   •  The Defendants shall not,
                                                                  are held on constructive trust   whether by themselves, their
                                                                  for the benefit of affected   agents, servants or otherwise
                                                                  investors;                  howsoever, trade in any
                                                               •  Order that all assets and   securities on Bursa Malaysia for
                                                                  properties of each defendant   a period of 5 years;
                                                                  be traced and followed and   •  In the event of default in any
                                                                  then paid to the SC for the   of the terms of the Consent
                                                                  purpose of compensating     Judgment, the Defendant(s) in
                                                                  affected investors;         default shall be liable to pay a
                                                               •  An order that each defendant   civil penalty of RM1 million to
                                                                  be barred from being a director   the SC, and the SC will be at
                                                                  of any PLC for a period of 5   liberty to take the necessary
                                                                  years;                      actions to execute or enforce
                                                               •  An order to restrain each   the Consent Judgment against
                                                                  defendant/their agents/servants   the Defendant(s) in default;
                                                                  or otherwise howsoever from   •  The SC is at liberty to publish
                                                                  trading in any counter on Bursa   the terms of the Consent
                                                                  Malaysia for a period of 5   Judgment on the SC website
                                                                  years;                      and/or in the SC Annual Report
                                                               •  Special damages of          and/or in any other publication
                                                                  RM3,073,231.92;             the SC deems fit; and
                                                               •  Civil penalty of RM1 million   •  The Consent Judgment
                                                                  against each of the defendants;   shall constitute full and final
                                                               •  General and/or aggravated   settlement of the SC’s claim
                                                                  and/or exemplary damages;   against the Defendants.
                                                               •  Interest; and
                                                               •  Costs.

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  199

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