Page 210 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 210


                        Table 8
                        outcome of civil action taken (Continued)
                              Nature of
                        No.                  Defendants     Description                  Outcome

                        3.    •  False trading  •  Ng Wai Hong On 21 September 2017, the SC filed  On 16 March 2018, all 7
                                 and market   •  Lo Ga Lung  a civil suit against the 7 defendants.  defendants entered into a
                                 rigging     •  Toh Pik Chai  The SC sought, among others:  settlement with the SC when they
                                 transaction  •  Ling Pik                                agreed without admission or denial
                                                Ngieh       •  A declaration that the    of liability to settle the claim that
                              •  Stock market  •  Ng Soo Tian  defendants had engaged in   the SC had initiated against them:
                                 manipulation •  Chan Kok      false trading and market rigging
                                             •  Chai Shou      transactions in respect of APLI   •  The defendants agreed to
                                                Wei            shares from 7 November 2006   pay a settlement sum of
                                                               to 9 November 2006;         RM2,154,672.13 being the
                                                            •  A declaration that the      unlawful gains from the false
                                                               defendants had engaged in   trading, market ringging and
                                                               stock market manipulation in   market manipulation.
                                                               respect of APLI shares from
                                                               7 November 2006 to        •  A civil penalty of RM200,000.
                                                               9 November 2006;
                                                            •  An order that all the assets and
                                                               properties of each of the
                                                               defendants be traced and/or
                                                               followed, and thereafter paid
                                                               over to the SC;
                                                            •  A declaration that all profits
                                                               earned by each of the
                                                               defendants by reason of their
                                                               false trading and market
                                                               rigging transactions and stock
                                                               market manipulation of APLI
                                                               shares are held in constructive
                                                               trust for the benefit of the
                                                               affected investors;
                                                            •  General and/or aggravated
                                                               and/or exemplary damages
                                                               against all the defendants;
                                                            •  Special damages;
                                                            •  Civil penalty of RM1 million
                                                               against each of the defendants
                                                               for the breach of section 84
                                                               and 85 of the SIA;
                                                            •  Interest;
                                                            •  An injunction to restrain each
                                                               defendant, whether by
                                                               themselves, their agents,
                                                               servants or otherwise
                                                               howsoever, from trading in any
                                                               counter on Bursa Malaysia for
                                                               a period of 5 years;
                                                            •  An order that each defendant
                                                               be barred from being a director
                                                               of any PLC for a period of 5
                                                               years; and
                                                            •  Costs.

                   200  |  PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES

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