Page 227 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 227


                           9 Aug
                           Former executive director of APL            August
                           Industry Bhd and sister jailed 5 years
                           and fined RM7 million each                             20 Aug
                                                                                  China’s Ministry of Finance and SC sign MoU
                           13–17 Aug                                              on regulatory co-operation
                           SC Industry Dialogue 2018

                           5 Sep
                           SC issues notice to cease all activities promoting
                           Lavidacoin                                            24 Sep
                                                                      China´s MOF, Securities Commission Malaysia sign MoU
                                                                                 Visit by a delegation from the US Embassy
                           18 Sep                                     on regulatory cooperation
                                                                                 and the US Treasury
                           Public statement on Multi Sports’ retention of
                           Lin Huozhi and Lin Liying as Executive Directors      27 Sep
                           prejudicial to public interest             KUALA LUMPUR, Aug  20 (Bernama)  –  The  Securities
                                                                                 SC together with United Nations  Commission Malaysia (SC)
                                                                      and China’s Ministry  of Finance  (MOF  China) today  signed a memorandum of
                                                                                 Development Programme and the Islamic
                           19 Sep                                     understanding (MoU) for cross-border regulatory cooperation on accounting and
                                                                                 Development Bank hosted a forum titled
                           SC announces the liberalisation of its regulatory   audit  matters  under their respective  oversight.  The  signing was  witnessed by
                                                                                 ‘Achieving the SDGs: Unleashing the
                           framework for retail investment in Malaysia’s   Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. The
                                                                                 Potential of Islamic Finance’ in New York, US
                           corporate bond and sukuk market            MoU was signed by China’s Minister of Finance Liu Kun and SC Chairman Tan Sri
                                                                      Ranjit Ajit Singh. “The signing of the MoU will enable both countries to benefit in
                                                                      areas of mutual interest relating to accounting and auditing. “The MoU reflects
                                                                      the commitment of the SC and MOF China for regulatory cooperation to facilitate
                                                                      cross-border access,” Ranjit said in a statement today.
                                                                                 19 Oct
                                                                                 SC introduces a registration framework
                                                                                 for trustees and issuing houses under new
                                                                                 guidelines to enhance investor protection

                                                                                 26 Oct
                                                                                 SC initiated a restitution process for victims of
                                                                                 an illegal futures and equity trading scheme
                           1 Oct                                                 30 Oct
                           Launch of the Institute of Corporate Directors        Tan Sri Ranjit Ajit Singh retires as Chairman of
                           Malaysia (ICDM) to enhance Board effectiveness        the SC

                           3 Oct                                                 31 Oct
                           Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz receives The Royal        European Union and Asia-Pacific regulators
                           Award for Islamic Finance 2018                        meet at the EU-Asia Pacific Forum on Financial
                                                                                 Regulation in Kuala Lumpur
                           12–14 Oct
                           InvestSmart  Fest 2018 kicks off; 2  year of
                           charity run, Scambuster Run

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  217

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