Page 65 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                           enforcement jurisdiction of FIMM such as breaches   with the Guidelines on Recognized Markets. The SC
                           of securities laws and fraud. Enhanced referral   leverages its periodic engagements with operators to
                           processes and procedures were also put in place to   exchange views on trends and developments in the
                           ensure more timely and efficient case management   industry, clarify regulatory issues and communicate
                           as well as effectiveness of enforcement actions.  supervisory expectations related to products offered,
                                                                           fundraising campaigns and disclosure practices.

                           oversight of Private Pension                    In 2018, engagements focused on deepening the
                           Administrator                                   industry’s understanding of anti-money laundering
                                                                           (AML) regulatory requirements and ensuring
                           Private Pension Administrator (PPA) plays a key role   operators have sufficient controls in meeting the
                           as the central administrator for PRS, providing   AML requirements, particularly on the soundness of
                           record-keeping and electronic PRS services such as   know-your-customer (KYC) assessment during
                           PRS member enrolment, unit top-up of member’s   onboarding of issuers and investors. Supervisory
                           contribution, withdrawal and beneficiary nomination.   oversight also included emphasis on the resilience of
                           Efficiency and continuity in the operations of PPA are   operators’ IT systems and infrastructure, given the
                           therefore critical to the PRS industry.         importance of these infrastructure in supporting
                                                                           fund-raising campaigns and information held by
                           The SC’s oversight of PPA continues to focus on   operators such as issuers and investors’ details and
                           ensuring the efficiency and robustness of PPA’s   securities data. ECF and P2P operators were required
                           operational and risk management practices in    to participate in cyber drill exercises organised by the
                           discharging its central administration function.   SC as part of cyber threat preparedness.
                           In 2018, the SC facilitated the introduction of
                           additional PRS electronic services, including the PRS   The SC also emphasised the role of platform
                           online enrolment and the MyPPA mobile application   operators in enhancing investors’ awareness of
                           that would enable greater public access to PRS.   the risks, rights and obligations attached to their
                           Supervisory priorities were focused on ensuring that   investments as well as the issuers’ understanding of
                           PPA has put in place systems security and controls,   these alternative financing channels.
                           system readiness testing prior to the introduction
                           of new electronic services, business continuity
                           arrangements including setting up a data recovery   EMPoWERInG InVESToRS
                           centre and business continuity testing as well as
                           safeguards to protect confidentiality of members’   The SC continues to take measures to ensure
                           personal data.                                  investors are protected, empowered and able
                                                                           to make informed investment decisions. Critical
                                                                           components of the SC’s investor protection
                           Focused engagement with equity                  mandate are implemented through the Securities
                           crowdfunding and peer-to-peer                   Industry Dispute Resolution Centre (SIDREC) that
                           financing operators                             provides investors access to redress mechanisms
                                                                           in the event of a dispute, and the SC’s ongoing
                           As equity crowdfunding (ECF) and peer-to-peer (P2P)   investor education efforts through InvestSmart  an
                           financing are relatively new segments in the capital   investor empowerment initiative to increase investor
                           market, the SC’s priority for supervisory oversight   awareness and knowledge of the capital market.
                           on ECF and P2P operators is to ensure compliance

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