Page 60 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 60


                         EnSuRInG RESILIEncE oF THE cAPITAL             developments in the Korean Peninsula, the US
                         MARkET                                         mid-term election, Turkish currency crisis as well as
                                                                        US-China trade tensions. Impact assessments were
                        Systemic risk surveillance in the capital       undertaken to ascertain potential spill-over effects to
                        market                                          the global and emerging markets as well as the
                                                                        domestic financial markets. Risk assessments were
                        The Malaysian capital market remained resilient,   also carried out on fund flows following further
                        despite the challenges and volatilities in global   tightening of financial conditions in light of progressive
                        markets. Uncertainties heightened across global   interest rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve.
                        markets throughout 2018 with escalating trade
                        tensions, geopolitical issues and normalisation of   The development in the relevant Morgan Stanley
                        monetary policies in developed economies. These   Capital International (MSCI) Index constituents was
                        have affected risk sentiments, amid increased   monitored closely, particularly the inclusion of China
                        volatility and liquidity tightening in global financial   A Shares. The proposed inclusion of Saudi Arabia,
                        markets.                                        Kuwait and Argentina into the MSCI Emerging Market
                                                                        Index in 2019 may adversely affect the overall
                        These developments underscore the need for the SC   weightage of Malaysian companies in the index. To
                        to continuously monitor and assess systemic risk   ensure the Malaysian equity market remains attractive
                        concerns. This includes early detection of emerging   to foreign investors, measures are being considered
                        risk trends and vulnerabilities that could contribute   together with industry stakeholders, to enable listed
                        to the build-up of systemic risks in the capital   companies to be allocated higher weightage in the
                        market. The SC’s assessment of risks in 2018 were   index.
                        deliberated at various levels to enable the
                        involvement and participation of various stakeholders   In addition, the potential impact to the local market
                        in relation to markets, firms and products.     and participants following the EU Resolution to
                                                                        phase-out the use of biofuels based on vegetable
                        Given the importance of having in place robust and   oils by 2020, as well as the change in Overnight
                        up-to-date approaches for identification, monitoring,   Policy Rate (OPR) in January 2018 were also
                        mitigation and management of systemic risks, the   reviewed. The impact to the capital market was
                        SC continues to review and enhance its market risk   observed to be negligible.
                        surveillance framework to ensure its effectiveness
                        and adequacy. The SC also took steps to strengthen   The SC also continued to collaborate closely with
                        business continuity arrangements at both industry   BNM in areas of common interest and concern,
                        and the SC’s level as part of its efforts to better   given the interconnectedness of the financial and
                        manage systemic risks.                          capital markets. In 2018, the SC exchanged
                                                                        information and shared assessment outcomes on
                                                                        global risk trends and developments as well as the
                        Assessing vulnerabilities and risks to          movement of funds across different market
                        systemic stability                              segments to ascertain potential vulnerabilities.

                        The SC continued to exercise its market risk    To gain better insight of market trends and risks in
                        oversight function through the Systemic Risk    the increasingly volatile market environment amid
                        Oversight Committee (SROC), which is the        tightening liquidity conditions, the SC increased
                        overarching committee for the deliberation of risks   the frequency and intensity of its engagements
                        and corresponding safeguards. Continuing from its   with market participants. The engagements were
                        work in 2017, the focus in 2018 centred on      important not only to validate the risk assessment
                        geopolitical issues and normalisation of monetary   work, but also to understand trading and investment
                        policies. The SC monitored among others,        sentiments in the market.

                   50  |  PART 2 »» SHAPING MARKET CONDUCT

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