Page 18 - Inspection Report 2018
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                        The common findings observed from the AOB’s inspections of the Major and Other Audit Firms in 2018 are
                        listed in Table 1 below:

                        Table 1
                        Common findings identified by the AOB during the 2018 inspections

                        Common findings                Key concerns / risks           AOB reminders
                        Leadership Responsibilities for
                        Quality within the Firm
                        Certain audit firms outsourced the   Audit quality would be compromised   Audit firms should only undertake
                        function of EQCR partner.      if the audit work were carried out by   an audit engagement when they
                                                       audit engagement team members   have sufficient internal resources and
                        These firms had also outsourced the   who are not sufficiently competent.   capabilities to execute a quality audit.
                        audit work to audit staff from non-
                        AOB registered firms.          Further, an audit firm might not be   Effective from 16 August 2018, the
                                                       able to exercise effective oversight   New Criteria for Registration with
                        The following shortcomings were   and governance over outsourced   the AOB requires the functions of the
                        identified by the AOB:         audit partners.                EQCR partner to be carried out by
                                                                                      AOB-registered partners of the same
                        •     The affected audit firms did                            audit firm appointed as the auditor of
                              not evaluate the competence                             the PIE or schedule fund.
                              of the outsourced EQCR
                              partners and audit staff that                           For audit firms and individual auditors
                              were contracted to perform                              who are registered with the AOB
                              audit work for their PIE audit                          as at 16 August 2018, they would
                              clients; and                                            be given until 1 January 2020 to
                                                                                      ensure compliance with the new
                        •     Some of the outsourced EQCR                             requirements.
                              partners and audit staff did not
                              attend training on accounting
                              and auditing standards which
                              were relevant for the audit of a
                              PIE within the last one or two
                        Relevant Ethical Requirements

                        Based on our selection of audit   The failure to monitor audit   Audit engagement partners are
                        engagements for inspection, it was   engagement team members’   ultimately responsible for ensuring
                        noted that certain engagement   independence declarations posed the   that the audit engagement team is
                        team members did not confirm   risk that independence issues, if any,   independent of the audit client.
                        their independence prior to    may not be detected and addressed in
                        their involvement in the audit   a timely manner.             They must therefore give due
                        engagements.                                                  attention to ensure that the
                                                                                      independence declarations by the
                                                                                      audit engagement team members are
                                                                                      timely and complete.

                        Source: AOB

                         AUDIT OVERSIGHT BOARD
                    16     ANNUAL INSPECTION REPORT 2018

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