Page 142 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 142


                        4.   other receivables
                                                                                               2018            2017
                                                                                             RM’000           RM’000

                             Staff financing                                                    8,043          10,108
                             Less:   Unearned profit
                                   - Islamic financing on housing and motor vehicles            (388)           (538)

                                                                                                7,655           9,570
                             Less:   Amount due within 12 months (Note 6)                      (1,331)         (1,336)

                             Amount due after 12 months                                         6,324           8,234

                             Staff financing relates to Islamic financing and conventional housing loans, Islamic financing and
                             conventional motor vehicle loans, computer loans and study loans. The financing for housing and
                             motor vehicles are secured over the properties and motor vehicle of the borrowers, respectively. The
                             staff financing are repayable over a maximum period of 25 years, 7 years, 5 years and 4 years. The rate
                             charged on these staff financing ranges from 2.0% to 4.0% per annum (2017: 2.0% to 4.0% per

                             The maturity structures of the financing to staff as at the end of the financial year were as follows:

                                                                                               2018            2017
                                                                                             RM’000           RM’000

                             Within 1 year                                                      1,331           1,336
                             More than 1 year and up to 5 years                                 3,762           4,345
                             More than 5 years                                                  2,562           3,889

                                                                                                7,655           9,570

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