Page 147 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 147


                           10.  deferred income
                                                                                    Note         2018             2017
                                                                                                RM’000          RM’000

                                At 1 January 2018/2017                                             5,819               -
                                Proceeds during the year                             10.1              -           8,449
                                Less: recognised in profit or loss during the year               (1,244)         (2,630)

                                Deferred income                                                    4,575           5,819

                                Current liabilities                                                1,244            210
                                Non-current liabilities                                            3,331           5,609

                                                                                                   4,575           5,819

                                10.1   In 2017, the SC has received approval from Ministry of Finance to utilise the residual sum
                                      disgorged from individuals for breaches of insider trading and market manipulation provisions
                                      under the securities laws, amounted to RM8.4 million. This sum is to defray the cost of
                                      regulating the market in Malaysia.

                           11.  other payables and accruals
                                                                                                 2018             2017
                                                                                                RM’000          RM’000

                                Other payables                                                   52,331          52,731
                                Accruals                                                           3,972           5,454
                                Brokers’ security deposits                                         1,225           1,187

                                                                                                 57,528          59,372

                           12.  Revenue
                                                                                                 2018             2017
                                                                                                RM’000          RM’000

                                Revenue                                              12.1       165,746         163,835
                                Other income
                                –     finance                                                    31,976          30,102
                                –     others                                                     11,818          10,377

                                                                                                 43,794          40,479

                                Total revenue                                                   209,540         204,314

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