Page 173 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                           sukuk                                           53.05%) of total bonds and sukuk issuances
                                                                           whereas total sukuk outstanding represented
                           In 2018, a total of 58 ringgit-denominated corporate   60.05% (2017: 58.80%) of total bonds and sukuk
                           bonds and sukuk have been approved and lodged   outstanding (Table 4).
                           with the SC amounting to RM89.87 billion of which
                           32 were sukuk valued at RM50.97 billion (Chart 3).
                           The sukuk value represented 56.72% of the total   Islamic fund management
                           new ringgit-denominated corporate bonds and
                           sukuk approved and lodged.                      The Islamic AUM stood at RM158.83 billion
                                                                           registering 7.74% decrease from RM172.16 billion
                           In terms of issuances, corporate sukuk represented   as at end 2017 (Chart 4). The number of Islamic
                           68.92% (2017: 70.19%) of total corporate bonds   CIS saw an increase from 324 in 2017 to 335 as at
                           and sukuk issuances while sukuk outstanding     end 2018. During the year, two Islamic SRI funds
                           accounted for 76.01% (2017: 75.14%) of total    were launched for unit trust and wholesale fund
                           corporate bonds and sukuk outstanding (Table 3).  respectively. As at end 2018, there were 53 fund
                                                                           management companies managing Islamic funds,
                           Overall, sukuk issuances by Government and      with 22 full-fledged Islamic fund management
                           corporates in 2018 represented 51.80% (2017:    companies and 31 fund management companies
                                                                           offering Islamic windows.

                           Chart 3                                          Chart 4
                           corporate sukuk approved/lodged with the sc      AuM of Islamic fund management

                              200    2018                         187.91      900        2018
                              180    2017                                     800                          744  776
                              160                                             700                           59
                              140                                             600

                            RM billion  120  94.15   93.76     89.87         RM billion  500
                               60  50.97
                               40                38.90                        200       159  172
                               20                                             100
                               –                                                0
                                     Sukuk         Bonds     Total corporate           Islamic AUM          Total fund
                                                            bonds and sukuk                                management

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