Page 22 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 22


                        ECF and VC are structured to help budding       ECF and P2P financing as platforms for
                        entrepreneurs and start-ups secure pre-seed, seed   MSMEs to raise funds
                        and early stage financing. On the other hand,
                        P2P financing, PE and LEAP are well-suited for   Although challenges persist in MSME’s access to
                        more mature companies seeking working capital   finance, the visible growth in alternative financing
                        or capital for growth. Eventually, when businesses   avenues has been very positive and reflects the role
                        reach a certain scale, they will be able to leverage   of the private sector in providing financing to
                        traditional methods such as public equity or debt.   companies at various stages of development. Since
                        Together, these financing avenues can help meet   2015, 693 MSMEs have successfully raised capital
                        some of the financing needs of Malaysian        amounting to RM261.52 million through ECF and
                        businesses, towards growing the nation’s economy.  P2P platforms. In 2018 alone, 616 MSMEs raised a
                                                                        total of RM195.11 million through these platforms.


                                                                    TALK  CAMPAIGN

                             7 ECF platform                       51 ECF                    50 MSMEs raised
                                operators                      campaigns                   capital successfully

                                                                                                  $     $
                        46 to 55    15%   35%                54% are retail                 RM48.87 million
                                 14%                                                                                                           35 to 45
                                                                 investors                    raised to date
                         35 to 45

                                  Age of                         $    $
                              ECF investors               47% of campaigns                        94% of
                                                           raised RM500,000                   investors are
                                                                and below                       Malaysian

                        *    Data is cumulative since inception in 2015.

                   12  |  PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH

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