Page 193 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 193


                           entities. Conversely, during the year, the SC also   Sanctions imposed on the parties in breach
                           rendered assistance to 6 foreign supervisory    comprised reprimands, revocation and suspension of
                           authorities in relation to 10 requests for investigative   licences, imposition of penalties and directives and
                           assistance.                                     issuance of public statements (Table 2).

                                                                           In 2018, a total of RM6.39 million in penalties were
                           Administrative actions                          imposed against the following parties:

                           In 2018, 80 administrative sanctions were       •     A company applying for listing and certain of
                           imposed by the SC for various misconducts and         its directors for failure to inform the SC and
                           breaches of securities laws including making false    a principal adviser of material developments
                           or misleading statements to the SC, breaches of       prior to its listing;
                           licensing conditions, failure to comply with approved
                           accounting standards in the preparation of audited   •   A reporting accountant and a principal
                           financial statements and for late submission of       adviser for failure to inform the SC of material
                           documents under the Lodge and Launch (LOLA)           developments to a company applying for
                           Framework.                                            listing prior to its listing;

                           Table 2
                           Administrative actions taken in 2018 by types of sanction and parties in breach
                           Parties in breach                                   Types of sanction

                                                                     Revocation/                           Issuance of
                                                       Reprimand    Suspension of   Penalty    Directive     Public
                                                                      Licence                               Statement
                           Persons acting in concert       2             -            2           1             -
                           Licensed persons                3             4            12          -             -
                           Registered persons              -             -            2           -

                           PLCs or company applying for    5             -            2           3             -
                           Directors of PLC or company    17             -            9           -            2
                           applying for listing
                           Unlisted public company         1             -            -           4             -
                           Reporting accountant            1             -            1           1             -

                           Principal adviser               2             -            1           1             -
                           Other individuals 1             1             -            3           -             -
                           ToTAL                          32             4            32         10            2

                           1   An individual carrying out a regulated activity without holding a licence, a person who had knowingly provided false information to
                             an investigating officer of the SC and a person who at the material time was the managing director and CEO of an investment bank

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  183

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