Page 83 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                           meanwhile, adjusted its yield curve control policy in   conditions tightening considerably towards the latter
                           July 2018 by allowing for wider deviation band for   part of 2018 for the advanced economies (AEs).
                           the benchmark 10-year yield around an unchanged   EMEs, on the other hand, faced significant financial
                           target of about 0%.                             market pressures since June 2018, driven by the shift
                                                                           in global liquidity, particularly from economies with
                           Several emerging markets economies’ (EMEs) central   weaker macroeconomic fundamentals and large
                           banks have also raised policy rates in order to limit   financing needs. Overall, global financial market
                           the currency and financial market pressures. The   conditions in 2018 were shaped by three key inter-
                           People’s Bank of China (PBOC), on the other hand,   related developments, namely escalation of the US-
                           maintained its benchmark one-year lending rate but   China trade war, pressures on EMEs arising from a
                           reduced its reserve requirement ratio four times to   stronger US dollar and the general increase in global
                           prevent a sharp deceleration in growth.         financial market volatility especially towards the end
                                                                           of the year.
                           Conditions in global financial markets deteriorated
                           throughout most of 2018 compared to 2017        The intensification of global trade tensions had led
                           (Chart 2). Stress in the global financial markets was   to a repricing of risks that resulted in volatility in the
                           rising steadily since February 2018 with financial   global financial markets. The escalation began after

                           Chart 2
                           Conditions in global financial markets deteriorated in 2018 as compared to 2017

                                           Global Financial Stress Index by the US Office of Financial Research (OFR FSI)

                             5         Global Financial Stress Index
                                       Other AEs
                             4         US
                             2                                                                                         Higher stress
                             1      Low global financial stress in 2017


                             -2                                                                                        Lower stress

                                 Jun-17  Jul-17  Aug-17  Sep-17  Oct-17  Nov-17  Dec-17  Jan-18  Feb-18  Mar-18  Apr-18  May-18  Jun-18  Jul-18  Aug-18  Sep-18  Oct-18  Nov-18  Dec-18

                           The OFR FSI is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global financial markets. It is constructed from 33 financial market variables such as yield spreads,
                           valuation measures and interest rates. The OFR FSI is positive when stress levels are above average, and negative when stress levels are below average.
                           Source: Office of Financial Research, US Department of the Treasury

                                                                                       PART 4 »» CAPITAL MARKET REVIEW AND OUTLOOK  |  73

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