Page 26 - Inspection Report 2018
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                        diagram 2
                        Top five common findings by audit quality          Common  findings  observed  from  the  AOB’s
                        theme                                              inspections on audit engagements are illustrated
                                                                           in Diagram 2. Sampling remained the top area
                            2018            2017            2016           of findings in 2018. The AOB is concerned that
                                                                           findings  continue  to  be  observed  in  this  basic
                                                                           and  fundamental  area  across  both  Major  and
                                                             Revenue       Other Audit Firms. For Major Audit Firms that had
                             Sampling        Sampling
                                                            recognition    established sampling  methodologies, common
                                                                           findings  were  related  to  inconsistent  sampling
                                                                           application among the engagement teams.
                            Accounting      Accounting
                             estimates       estimates       Inventories   Findings observed for Other Audit Firms mainly
                                                                           arose from firms not having any specific sampling
                                                                           methodology or firms that applied self-developed
                             Auditor’s                      Group audits   sampling methodologies that did not meet
                              report        Group audits                   the  International  Standards  on  Auditing  (ISAs)

                            Engagement      Presentation
                           quality control  and disclosure   Sampling

                           Group audits /                   Related-party
                             Revenue        recognition     transactions
                            recognition                     and balances

                        Source: AOB

                        Findings on auditor’s report and EQCR common findings were observed in 2018.

                        Further  details  of  the  findings  observed  in  the  area  of  EQCR  are  elaborated  on  page  25.  As  for  findings
                        observed in relation to Auditor’s Report, these relate to the communication of KAMs in the Enhanced Auditors’
                        Reports (EARs). In 2015, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) issued its new and
                        revised standard on EARs. This standard was adopted in Malaysia and became effective for audits of financial
                        statements  with  financial  periods  ending  on  or  after  15  December  2016,  with  the  key  change  being  the
                        communication of KAMs.

                        Communication of KAMs was determined as one of the thematic areas of focus in 2018. Further details are
                        presented in the Thematic Review section.

                         AUDIT OVERSIGHT BOARD
                    24     ANNUAL INSPECTION REPORT 2018

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