Page 32 - Inspection Report 2018
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Chart 6
                        Common pitfalls and best practices in the application of dA

                                Common pitfalls                               Best practices

                           •   Application of the DA tools did not      •   Involvement of the audit firm’s information
                               satisfy the specific requirements of         technology (IT) specialist to verify the
                               ISA 330 The Auditor’s Responses to           integrity and reliability of the PIE’s
                               Assessed Risks, particularly whether         information system. The IT team were
                               substantive procedures were                  also involved in the data extraction from
                               performed for each material class of         the PIE’s information system to ensure
                               transactions, account balance, and           completeness and accuracy of system
                               disclosure                                   information

                           •   Exceptional or unusual transactions      •   Extensive training sessions on the audit
                               identified by dA were not sufficiently       firm’s dA resources and relevant application
                               investigated                                 of such tools in the performance of audit

                           •   Inconsistent application and             •   Dedicated audit firm personnel as ‘subject
                               understanding of the audit firm’s dA         matter experts’ on the implementation and
                               tools and methodology, particularly          use of dA
                               where overlapping methodologies
                               were noted

                                 Moving forward

                           •    As audit firms start to extend the usage of DA, in-depth scrutiny and evaluation over the audit
                                firm’s  application  of  DA  should  be  performed  to  ensure  that  all  requirements  of  the  auditing
                                standards have been met;

                           •    Enhancement  to  the  audit  firm’s  methodology  and  corresponding  training  sessions  to  provide
                                clarity and consistency in the application of DA in the audit of financial statements; and

                           •    Adoption  and  application  of  DA  should  be  considered  by  Other  Audit  Firms  especially  where
                                efficient use of technology can help bridge the gap arising from human resource constraints.

                         AUDIT OVERSIGHT BOARD
                    30     ANNUAL INSPECTION REPORT 2018

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