Page 33 - Inspection Report 2018
P. 33

Going Concern

                          In light of the local and global economic volatility, one of the thematic areas of focus in the AOB’s
                          2018 Inspection Programme was in relation to the auditors’ assessment on Going Concern of their clients.

                           diagram 7
                           Analysis of Engagements reviewed under Going Concern Thematic reviews in 2018

                                     Engagements reviewed                      ISA 570 Going Concern requires

                             3 engagements                3 engagements        auditors to consider whether events
                              from 3 Major                 from 3 Other        or conditions exist that may cast
                               Audit Firms                  Audit Firms        significant doubt on an entity’s ability
                                                                               to continue as a going concern.
                                                                               Where events or conditions exists,
                                               results                         giving rise to material uncertainties
                                                                               related to going concern (MUGC),
                                              2 files with                     the auditors would need to ascertain
                                           findings on Going                   that sufficient disclosures have been
                                               Concern                         made in the financial statements.

                           Source: AOB

                           As shown in Diagram 7, out of 6 engagements selected for inspection in 2018, 2 had findings on going
                           concern. Common findings noted from these 2 engagement files are:

                                      Common Findings

                             •  Insufficient audit procedures performed to evaluate the appropriateness of management’s going
                                concern assumption applied in the preparation of the financial statements as the auditors tend
                                to accept management’s representations without obtaining sufficient evidence to support such

                             •  No audit procedures performed to verify the overall cash flows, particularly the reliability of
                                underlying data and reasonableness of assumptions used by management when preparing cash flow
                                and other forecasts, which was used in the evaluation of the going concern assumption.

                             •  No audit procedures performed to verify management’s representation that financial support was
                                available to support the going concern assumption.

                                                                                                      AUDIT OVERSIGHT BOARD
                                                                                                ANNUAL INSPECTION REPORT 2018  31

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