Page 19 - AOB 2018 (ENG)
P. 19


                   Diagram 5
                   The AOB’s enforcement observations

                     Firm Review Findings                             Engagement Review Findings

                   •    Significant compliance gaps in the International   •   Failure to design and perform audit procedures
                        Standards on Quality Control (ISQC) 1           in key audit areas, which included planning
                        elements that compromised the engagement        and risk assessments, consolidation and multi-
                        performance quality                             location audits

                   •    Lack of commitment by the audit firm’s      •   Lack of professional scepticism during the
                        leadership to ensure audit quality              course of the audit engagement

                                                                    •   Breaches of ethical standards

                                                                    •   EQCR Partner was not effective in the review of
                                                                        the audit engagement

                   The AOB requires its registrants to remain fit and   review of three PLCs. The audit firm, EP and EQCR
                   proper at all times. In 2018, the AOB revoked the   partner were prohibited from auditing the financial
                   registration of an auditor for failing to remain fit   statements of a PIE or schedule fund for nine
                   and proper. The United States’ (US) Public Company   months. In addition, the EP and the audit firm were
                   Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) shared        fined RM81,000 and RM227,000 respectively.
                   information with the AOB on its enforcement
                   action against the auditor, which among others,   Similarly, enforcement actions were taken by the
                   included breaches of independence requirement.   AOB against another audit firm, EP and EQCR
                   Independence is fundamental to an audit          partner for failures noted in its inspection in respect
                   engagement and the AOB has been very clear with   of a PLC. The audit firm, EP and EQCR partner were
                   its expectations that breaches relating to ethical   prohibited from accepting as audit clients any PIEs
                   standards will not be tolerated.                 or schedule funds, and prohibited to audit any PIEs
                                                                    or schedule funds for 12 months. The audit firm and
                   The recognition of a Singapore-based audit firm   EP were also imposed with a monetary penalty of
                   and its partner was withdrawn by the AOB for their   RM123,000 and RM44,000 respectively.
                   failure to co-operate with the SC. The audit firm and
                   the partner failed to co-operate with a request for   The AOB imposed five reprimands for failure
                   audit evidence in respect of an audit client, a PLC   to comply with certain requirements of the
                   and its subsidiaries, within a prescribed time.    International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). One
                                                                    of the reprimands included a monetary penalty of
                   The AOB took to task the audit firm, EP and EQCR   RM225,000.
                   partner for findings noted in its engagement

                                                      PART ONE  FOSTERING HIGH QUALITY INDEPENDENT AUDITING IN THE CAPITAL MARKET  |  17
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