Page 23 - AOB 2018 (ENG)
P. 23


                   30  January  2018                               16-19 april 2018

               Monitoring Group Roundtable on the               IFIAR Annual Plenary Meeting
               Governance of Audit-Related Standard
               Setting Boards                                   During the IFIAR 2018 Plenary Meeting hosted
                                                                by the Canadian Public Accountability Board in
               The AOB shared its regulatory experiences and    Ottawa, Canada, the AOB co-hosted a session
               views on the Monitoring Group’s consultation paper,   and shared insights into the experiences, trends
               Strengthening the Governance and Oversight on    and best practices observed from the first-year
               the International Audit-Related Standard Setting   implementation experience of EARs in Malaysia.
               Boards in the Public Interest, at a global roundtable
               discussion hosted by the Singapore’s Accounting and
               Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
                                                                     19  JULY  2018

                                                                AOB Dialogue with the Professional
                 20-22  february  2018                          Accountancy Bodies

               12  IFIAR Inspection Workshop                    The AOB organised a dialogue with professional
                                                                accountancy bodies in Malaysia such as MIA, the
               The AOB facilitated a session and jointly        Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
               shared insights into the experiences, trends     (MICPA), Certified Practising Accountant (CPA)
               and best practices observed from the first-year   Australia, ACCA and the Institute of Chartered
               implementation experience of EARs in Malaysia and   Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
               Singapore at the 12  IFIAR Inspection Workshop
               hosted by the Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing   The dialogue provided an avenue for discourse on
               Standards Monitoring Board. The session also     the key observations and concerns from the AOB’s
               included experience sharing from the UK and      inspections among the professional accountancy
               Switzerland audit regulators. The annual workshop   bodies who were then able to discuss and agree
               was attended by over 110 participants representing   on the best way forward towards improving audit
               40 audit regulators worldwide.                   quality in Malaysia. Their views were incorporated
                                                                into the New Criteria for Registration with the AOB.

                                                                The professional accountancy bodies were also
                                                                urged to consider and convey the AOB’s concerns
                    11  APRIL  2018                             when organising capacity building activities and
                                                                opportunities for their respective members. The AOB
               The AOB’s Engagement with MIA                    continues to welcome invitations to speak and share
                                                                its regulatory experiences and expectations at events
               The AOB highlighted common findings and trends   organised for relevant stakeholders.
               during its inspection of audit firms and individual
               auditors with MIA.

                                                  PART ONE  FOSTERING HIGH QUALITY INDEPENDENT AUDITING IN THE CAPITAL MARKET  |  21

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