Page 21 - AOB 2018 (ENG)
P. 21




               The quality of financial reporting is a shared responsibility among directors, management, auditors, and
               regulators. In 2018, the AOB continued to reach out to a wide cross section of stakeholders.

               The AOB’s ongoing involvement and contribution at global and regional levels through the International
               Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR) and the ASEAN Audit Regulators Group (AARG) facilitated
               mutual sharing of valuable insights into audit regulatory best practices. The AOB shared the Malaysian trends
               and good practices observed from the AOB, MIA and ACCA joint study on the Enhanced Auditors’ Report: A
               Review of First-Year Implementation Experience in Malaysia launched in January 2018. The AOB also
               subsequently shared its experience with fellow regulators interested to conduct similar studies in their
               respective jurisdictions.

               Diagram 7
               The AOB’s capacity building and collaborative efforts in 2018

                   Directors and management

                   •   Worked closely with the SC’s Corporate Surveillance Department and Bursa Malaysia to engage
                       directors and management of PLCs as well as share key concerns and findings noted during the
                       AOB’s inspections


                   •   Continued to share the AOB’s regulatory expectations and common inspection findings through
                       speaking engagements and at the annual AOB Conversation with Auditors of PIEs and Schedule
                   •   Engaged with the audit profession to identify solutions to address common inspection findings,
                       e.g. through Dialogue with Professional Bodies


                   •   Increased co-operation with the Accountant General’s Office to strengthen Malaysia’s audit
                       licensing process
                   •   Participated in a regional roundtable discussion to contribute views and regulatory concerns from
                       the AOB’s experiences in relation to the consultation paper, Strengthening the Governance and
                       Oversight on the International Audit-Related Standard Setting Boards in the Public Interest, issued
                       by the Monitoring Group 1
                   •   Shared key audit oversight and regulatory experiences with other foreign authorities such as the
                       Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China, the Audit Oversight Board of Pakistan and
                       the Capital Markets Authority of Saudi Arabia

               1    The Monitoring Group consists of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the Basel Committee on
                  Banking Supervision (BCBS), the European Commission (EC), the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the International Association of
                  Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the World Bank Group (WBG) and IFIAR.

                                                  PART ONE  FOSTERING HIGH QUALITY INDEPENDENT AUDITING IN THE CAPITAL MARKET  |  19

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