Page 32 - AOB 2018 (ENG)
P. 32


            STATEMENT ON


            About the Audit Oversight Board                  •    Convicted of an offence under the law;
                                                             •    Declared a bankrupt;
            The AOB was established under Part IIIA of the   •    Fails to attend three consecutive Board
            SCMA and its mandate is to assist the SC in           meetings without leave; or
            discharging its regulatory function by regulating   •   Not capable of discharging his or her duties.
            auditors of PIEs and schedule funds to promote
            confidence in the quality and reliability of the   The SCMA requires a Board member to manage
            audited financial statements. The AOB also exercises   conflict of interest by disclosing his or her interest in
            oversight over any person who prepares a report   any matter under discussion by the Board. Once a
            relating to financial information of PIEs and schedule   disclosure is made, he or she:
            funds, in relation to capital market activities.
                                                             •    Shall neither take part nor be present in any
            The AOB’s responsibilities, powers and authorities    deliberation or decision of the Board or its
            are defined in Part IIIA of the SCMA.                 committees; and

                                                             •    Shall be disregarded for the purposes of
            Board Members                                         constituting quorum of the Board or its
                                                                  committees, relating to the matter.
            The SC appoints the Board members of the AOB.
            The Board of the AOB comprises a Non-Executive
            Chairman, an Executive Officer and five other Non-  Responsibilities of the Board
            Executive Members who are representatives from
            the regulators, namely BNM and SSM, the legal    The Board is responsible for assisting the SC in
            profession and private sector. The Executive Officer is   discharging its functions under the SCMA.
            responsible for the day-to-day administration of the
            AOB.                                             The responsibilities of the Board include to:

            Profiles of the Board Members of the AOB are set   •   Implement policies and programmes in
            out on pages 26 to 29.                                ensuring an effective audit oversight system in
            The Non-Executive Chairman of the AOB is
            appointed for a term of three years and is eligible   •   Register or recognise auditors of PIEs or
            for reappointment upon completion of his term         schedule funds for the purposes of the
            whereas the Non-Executive members of the Board        SCMA;
            are appointed for a term of two years and are
            eligible for reappointment.                      •    Direct MIA to establish or adopt, or by way of
                                                                  both, the auditing and ethical standards to be
            A person is disqualified from holding the office of a   applied by auditors;
            Board member of the AOB if he or she is:


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