Page 33 - AOB 2018 (ENG)
P. 33


               •     Conduct inspections and monitoring         Table 1
                     programmes on registered auditors to assess   Attendance at Board meetings
                     the degree of compliance of auditing and                                  Number of
                     ethical standards;                         Board member
                                                                                           meetings attended
               •     Conduct inquiries and impose appropriate   Dato’ Gumuri Hussain              8/8
                     sanctions against registered auditors who fail   (Non-Executive Chairman)
                     to comply with auditing and ethical standards;  Alex Ooi Thiam Poh
                                                                (Executive Officer)               8/8
               •     Co-operate with relevant authorities in    Dato’ Zahrah Abd Wahab
                     formulating and implementing strategies to   Fenner                          3/8
                     enhance standards of financial disclosures of
                     PIEs or schedule funds;                    Eugene Wong Weng Soon             7/8

               •     Liaise and co-operate with oversight bodies   Wong Chong Wah                 8/8
                     outside Malaysia to enhance the standing   Dato’ Darawati Hussain            8/8
                     of the auditing profession in Malaysia and
                     internationally;                           Marzunisham Omar*                 5/6

               •     Carry out inspection on a person who       Hew Ee-Lu**                       2/2
                     prepares a report in relation to financial   *  Retired 25 September 2018
                     information of PIEs or schedule funds, in   ** Appointed 5 October 2018
                     relation to capital market activities, as may be
                     required to be prepared under the securities
                     laws or guidelines issued by the SC; and
                                                                Committee of the AOB
               •     Perform such other duties or functions as
                     necessary or appropriate to promote high   The Registration Committee was established to
                     professional standards of registered auditors   deliberate on matters regarding the registration
                     and to improve the quality of audit services   or recognition of auditors with the AOB. Where
                     provided by registered auditors.           applicable, the Registration Committee will
                                                                make recommendations to the Board for further
                                                                deliberation and decision.
               Board Meetings

                                                                The following are members of the Registration
               There were eight Board meetings held during the   Committee:
               year. The quorum required is three members present.

                                                                1.    Dato’ Gumuri Hussain
               The attendance record of the Board members is set   2.    Dato’ Zahrah Abd Wahab Fenner
               out in Table 1.                                  3.    Eugene Wong Weng Soon

                                                                The Chairman of the AOB chairs meetings of the
                                                                Committee and in his absence, a member of the
                                                                Board who sits on the Committee can be tasked to
                                                                take on this responsibility.

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