Page 126 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 126

                              Statement  of  financial
                  ANNUAL      position  as  at
                   2018       31  December  2018

                                                                                              2018            2017
                                                                                 Note        RM’000          RM’000

                        Non-current assets
                             Property, plant and equipment                         3         163,377         167,414
                             Other receivables                                     4            6,324           8,234
                             Other investments                                     5         475,052         511,570

                                                                                             644,753         687,218

                        current assets
                             Other investments                                     5         262,459         213,741
                             Trade and other receivables                           6          23,722          32,098
                             Cash and cash equivalents                             7          64,024          62,101

                                                                                             350,205         307,940

                        Total assets                                                         994,958         995,158

                             Accumulated surplus                                             757,165         759,209
                             Compensation fund reserve                             8         100,000         100,000

                        Total reserves                                                       857,165         859,209

                        Non-current liabilities
                             Post-employment benefits                              9          75,690          70,758
                             Deferred income                                      10            3,331           5,609

                                                                                              79,021          76,367

                        current liabilities
                             Deferred income                                      10            1,244            210
                             Other payables and accruals                          11          57,528          59,372

                                                                                              58,772          59,582

                        Total liabilities                                                    137,793         135,949

                        Total reserves and liabilities                                       994,958         995,158

                        The notes on pages 120 to 146 are an integral part of these financial statements

                   116  |  PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES

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