Page 122 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 122


                             AudIT coMMITTee


                        The SC is pleased to present the Audit Committee   The Committee will invite members of management,
                        Report for the financial year ended 31 December   auditors or others to attend meetings and provide
                        2018.                                           pertinent information, as necessary. The proceedings
                                                                        of the Committee are recorded and the minutes of
                                                                        meetings are tabled at Board meetings. The purpose,
                         MeMBeRs ANd MeeTINgs                           authority and responsibility of the Audit Committee
                                                                        are set out in the Audit Committee Charter. The
                        The Audit Committee comprises the following non-  main responsibilities of the Audit Committee are to–
                        executive members of the SC:
                                                                        i.    assist the Board in its review of the
                        •    Tan Sri Dato’ Hasmah Abdullah (Chairman);        adequacy and effectiveness of the SC’s risk
                        •    Datuk Francis Tan Leh Kiah (retired with effect   management and internal control systems;
                             from 17 May 2018);
                        •    Datuk Fazlur Rahman Ebrahim;               ii.   appoint or terminate the appointment of
                        •    Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Hassan Said          external auditor, its remuneration and any
                             (resigned with effect from 26 June 2018);        issues regarding its performance;
                        •    Tan Sri Dr Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur (appointed
                             with effect from 26 July 2018); and        iii.   review the external auditor’s audit scope and
                        •    Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee (appointed with           plans of audit, including co-ordination of
                             effect from 17 August 2018).                     audit efforts with internal audit;

                        The Committee convened 7 meetings during the    iv.   review the accounting policies and practices
                        financial year. A member of senior management is      adopted by the SC in the preparation of its
                        invited to be in attendance at the Audit Committee    financial statements and the integrity of the
                        meetings.                                             financial reporting processes;

                                                                        v.    review the annual financial statements and
                         TeRMs oF ReFeReNce                                   make appropriate recommendation(s) to the
                                                                              Board regarding the adoption of the SC’s
                        The Audit Committee is a Board committee. The         annual financial statements and the level of
                        Board members determine the membership and            disclosure, focusing in particular on–
                        appoint the Audit Committee members and the
                        Chairman of the Committee.                            •     compliance with applicable accounting
                        The Committee meets at least 4 times a year or as     •     changes in significant accounting
                        frequently as required with a minimum quorum of 2.          policies and practices;

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