Page 121 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 121
• Business Continuity Management digital and social media on the fundamentals of
(BCM) is a fundamental tool to making sound investment decisions.
protect the SC from any operational
disruption. The ability to rapidly recover The Securities Industry Dispute Resolution Center
critical operations through a structural (SIDREC) is a body approved by the SC to handle
approach is always on the forefront of capital market–related disputes involving monetary
the SC’s BCM Framework. The BCM claims by investors against its members. SIDREC’s
Framework is an organisation-wide members comprise banks, stockbrokers, future
approach designed to ensure that brokers, fund managers, unit trust management
identified critical business processes companies, PRS providers and distributors, among
can continue to operate in the event others, who are licensed under the CMSA to
of a major internal or external incident. conduct regulated activities in Malaysia. SIDREC’s
Annual BCM practices (business impact scope has been significantly enlarged by the increase
analysis review, desktop and full of its maximum claim limit from RM100,000 to
simulation) are conducted to ensure the
SC remains resilient and persevere to RM250,000. It is also now able to accept claims
operate in the event of a disruption. exceeding RM250,000 for mediation where both
parties agree to use SIDREC’s services. Additionally,
following the amendment of the SIDREC’s
exTeRNAL sTAKeHoLdeR ANd Capital Markets and Services (Dispute Resolution)
PuBLIc coMMuNIcATIoN Regulations 2010 in September 2010, 43
commercial and Islamic banks and 2 Developmental
Finance Institutions (DFI) are now deemed to be
Consistent and constant communication with
capital market participants is necessary to facilitate members of SIDREC.
the effective discharge of the SC’s responsibilities.
Regular meetings and discussions with our key This is a significant increase in SIDREC’s scope
stakeholders enable the SC to provide facilitative and gives it purview over disputes involving
policies, a robust regulatory framework and capital market services and products between
encourage continuous growth and development of DFI, commercial and Islamic banks as well as their
the capital market. All media releases, publications, investor clients. Apart from engagement during
guidelines, annual reports as well as consultation the dispute resolution process with both SIDREC’s
and response papers are posted on the official members and the investor claimants, it engages the
website – investing public through its awareness initiatives.
SIDREC also concurrently engages its members, the
Commission and other stakeholders such as industry
The SC’s Consumer and Investor Office acts as
one of the key channels in engaging investors associations and self-regulatory organisations to
and the public. The office receives and handles share and provide insights on positive observations
public complaints and enquiries relating to the as well as concerns that come through from its
capital market. In addition, it is responsible for the dispute resolution process. This provides valuable
SC’s investor empowerment strategy under the feed to the market, investors and regulator. SIDREC
InvestSmart brand targeted towards the public and also has an obligation to report to the Commission
investors of all life stages. Through InvestSmart , on issues of systemic concerns that may arise from
the SC undertakes various initiatives via different disputes received.
modalities such as exhibitions, seminars, roadshows,
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