Page 123 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
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                                •     significant adjustments arising from the   •   Reviewed and approved the reappointment of
                                      audit; and                                 the existing external auditors for the financial
                                •     significant unusual events.                year ending 31 December 2018.

                           vi.   approve the Internal Audit Charter and    Internal audit
                                support as well as provide direction to the
                                Internal Audit Department (IAD) to ensure its   •   Reviewed the internal audit reports and
                                effectiveness;                                   management’s action plans to address the
                                                                                 audit issues. The Audit Committee also
                           vii.   consider and review the findings arising       monitored the implementation of agreed
                                from internal audit reports or other internal    actions and suggestions for improvements
                                investigations and responses by management,      arising from the audits performed.
                                and to determine appropriate corrective
                                actions required of management;            •     Reviewed the achievement of the 2018
                                                                                 internal audit plan, which provided an overall
                           viii.   review the implementation of action plans to   indication of the performance of the internal
                                address key audit observations raised by IAD;    audit function for the year.
                                                                           •     Considered the adequacy of scope and
                           ix.   review the effectiveness of processes and       comprehensive coverage of internal audit’s
                                procedures to ensure compliance with laws,       activities, and approved the internal audit
                                regulations and contracts.                       plan for the financial year ending 31 December

                            AcTIvITIes oF THe coMMITTee                    •     Reviewed the representation made on risk
                                                                                 management and internal controls in the
                           During the financial year, the main activities of the   Statement on Governance for the SC’s Annual
                           Audit Committee included the following:               Report 2018.

                           Financial reporting
                                                                             INTeRNAL AudIT
                           •    Reviewed the financial statements for the
                                financial year ended 31 December 2017 prior   IAD assists the Audit Committee in the discharge
                                to presentation to the Board.              of its duties and responsibilities. IAD reports directly
                                                                           to the Audit Committee, which determines the
                           external audit                                  adequacy of scope and function of the department.
                                                                           IAD accomplishes its objectives by bringing a
                           •    Reviewed the audit findings and auditor’s   systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and
                                report arising from the statutory audit for the   improve the effectiveness of the organisation’s risk
                                financial year ended 31 December 2017.     management, control and governance processes.

                           •    Reviewed and approved the external audit plan   IAD carries out its responsibilities by conducting
                                for the financial year ending 31 December 2018.   reviews based on the approved internal audit plan,
                                Various audit and accounting issues were   which is developed using a risk-based methodology.
                                discussed at the Audit Committee meetings.

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  113

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