Page 161 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 161




                            eQuITy                                         There were 11 new listings for 2018. Of these
                                                                           11 listings, 2 were on the Main Market and the
                           The SC received 11 equity applications in 2018 of   remaining 9 were on the ACE Market. The total
                           which 8 applications were for initial public offerings   amount of funds raised from these new listings in
                           (IPOs) and 3 were for transfer of listings. A total of 9   2018 was approximately RM0.61 billion.
                           equity applications were considered in 2018 (Table 1).
                                                                           The SC registered 42 equity prospectuses in 2018,
                           In 2018, the SC approved 5 IPOs for the Main Market   comprising 14 prospectuses for IPO, 1 prospectus for
                           with total funds approved to be raised from these   restricted offer for sale of ordinary shares and 27
                           IPOs estimated at RM4.87 billion (Table 2) with   abridged prospectuses (Table 3).
                           aggregate market capitalisation of RM14.19 billion.

                           Table 1
                           status of equity applications

                           Applications                                                 2018                2017
                           Brought forward from the previous year                         3                   3

                           Received during the year                                      11                   8
                           Total for consideration                                       14                  11

                           Approved during the year                                      (9)                 (6)
                           Not approved during the year                                  (-)                 (-)

                           Returned during the year                                      (-)                 (-)
                           Total considered during the year                              (9)                 (6)

                           Withdrawn during the year                                     (1)                 (2)
                           carried forward to the next year                               4                   3

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