Page 162 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 162
Table 2
equity applications approved by type of proposals
2018 2017
Type of proposals No. of Amount No. of Amount
proposals raised proposals raised
approved (RM million) approved (RM million)
IPO on Main Market:
– Domestic companies 5 4,867.79 3 3,770.00
subtotal 5 4,867.79 3 3,770.00
Restructuring/mergers and acquisitions – – 1 –
Transfer from ACE Market to Main 4 – 2 –
ToTAL 9 4,867.79 6 3,770.00
Table 3
Registration of equity prospectuses
Applications 2018 2017
Prospectus 15 11
Abridged prospectus 27 31
ToTAL 42 42
coRPoRATe BoNds ANd suKuK approved by/lodged with the SC with a total
nominal value of RM89.87 billion, of which 56.72%
The Malaysian corporate bonds and sukuk market or RM50.97 billion, were sukuk (Table 5).
reported total issuance of RM105.45 billion in 2018,
a 15.56% decrease from RM124.88 billion issued in There has been an overall decline in the maturity
2017. profile of ringgit-denominated corporate bonds and
sukuk approved by/lodged with the SC in 2018. The
In 2018, the SC received 57 lodgements under maturity profile of ringgit-denominated corporate
the Lodge and Launch (LOLA) Framework and bonds and sukuk with tenures of 1 to 7 years
2 applications for issuances of corporate bonds exhibited a 14.29% decrease while total number
and sukuk, as compared to 79 lodgements and 3 of ringgit-denominated corporate bonds and sukuk
applications received in the previous year (Table 4). with the tenures of 8 to 15 years saw a 37.50%
Ringgit-denominated corporate bonds and sukuk decrease. There was also a 25.71% decrease in the
continued to form the majority of the proposals total number of ringgit-denominated corporate
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