Page 163 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 163


                           Table 4
                           Number of corporate bonds and sukuk lodgements and applications

                           (i)   Lodgements 1                                      2018                    2017

                           Received during the year                                 57                      79
                           (ii)   Applications                                     2018                    2017

                           Brought forward from the previous year                    1                      1
                           Received during the year                                  2                      3

                           Total for consideration                                   3                      4
                           Approved during the year                                 (3)                     (3)
                           Not approved during the year                              -                      -
                           Returned during the year                                  -                      -

                           Total considered during the year                         (3)                    (3)
                           Withdrawn during the year                                 -                      -
                           carried forward to the next year                          -                      1

                           1    Pursuant to the Lodge and Launch Framework.

                           Table 5
                           Lodged/approved ringgit-denominated corporate bonds and sukuk issues
                                                                        2018                           2017

                           Type of issues                                     Nominal                        Nominal
                                                             No. of issues    amount        No. of issues    amount
                                                                            (RM million)                   (RM million)
                           corporate bonds
                           –  Commercial papers/Medium-term      19          26,224.00          27           91,004.00
                           –  Bonds                              2           10,080.00           3            2,080.00
                           –  Loan stocks                        3              802.88           3             674.92
                           subtotal                              24          37,106.88          33           93,758.92
                           –  Islamic commercial papers/         32          50,965.00          45           93,004.00
                              Islamic medium-term notes
                           –  Islamic bonds                       -                  -           2            1,150.00
                           –  Islamic loan stocks                 -                  -           -                  -
                            subtotal                             32          50,965.00          47           94,154.00
                           combination of corporate bonds
                           and sukuk
                           –  Commercial papers/Medium-term      2            1,800.00           –                  –
                           subtotal                              2            1,800.00           -                  -

                           ToTAL                                 58          89,871.88          80          187,912.92

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  153

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