Page 165 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 165


 Chart 1                    TAKe-oveRs ANd MeRgeRs                         Bhd failed to obtain the requisite approval from
 Tenure of lodged/approved ringgit–denominated                             its shareholders. In aggregate, these 3 offers
 corporate bonds and sukuk issues  In Malaysia, take-overs and mergers are regulated   represented 64% of the total offer value in 2018.
                          by the SC under the Capital Markets and Services
                          Act 2007 (CMSA), the Malaysian Code on Take-     The property sector garnered the most interest with
                          overs and Mergers 2016 (Code) and the Rules on   7 target companies with total offer value of
                          Take-overs, Mergers and Compulsory Acquisitions   RM2,508.71 million, representing 39% of total number
                          (Rules). The main purpose of take-over regulation   of offers and 34% of total offer value in 2018. A
                          is to provide an orderly framework for acquisitions   total of 4 offers involved foreign parties as offerors,
                          or consolidation of control to take place. It aims   i.e. from Netherlands (for OldTown Bhd), Singapore
                          to preserve the integrity of the capital market by   (for LCTH Corporation Bhd), Philippines (for MCT Bhd)
                          ensuring fair and equal treatment of shareholders   and China (for Unisem (M) Bhd). Meanwhile, the
                          and by affording shareholders the opportunity to   number of proposed privatisations of listed
                          assess the merits of a take-over through full and   companies effected via take-over offers remained
                          timely disclosure of relevant information.       the same, with 7 offers representing 39% of the
                                                                           total number of offers in 2018 (2017: 7 or 29%).
                          In 2018, the SC considered 72 applications under
                          the Rules, compared to 94 applications in 2017.    Additionally, the SC cleared 25 independent advice
                          A total of 18 offer documents were cleared by the   circulars comprising 18 circulars in relation to take-
                          SC in 2018 involving a total offer value of RM7.32   over offers/schemes and 7 circulars in relation to
                          billion or an average of RM406.57 million per offer.   exemptions from the mandatory offer obligation
                          The SC also cleared a cash compensation scheme to   arising mainly from rights issue exercises, pursuant
                          shareholders which was implemented concurrently   to the whitewash procedures. The SC also approved
                          with an ongoing take-over scheme to address an   15 applications for exemptions from having to
                          earlier trigger of the mandatory offer obligation in   undertake a mandatory take-over offer and 13
                          respect of the same offeree company. The total offer   applications for various matters including other
                          value for 2018 represented an increase of RM3.84   waivers or rulings (Table 6).
                          billion against the previous year, and is recorded as
                          the highest total offer value for take-overs under
                          the Code in the past 5 years (2017: 24 offers with   Table 6
                          total offer value of RM3.48 billion). 4 take-over   Applications considered in relation to take-overs,
                          offers were undertaken by way of schemes in 2018,   mergers and compulsory acquisitions
                          representing 22% of the total number of offers    Type of applications/
                          (2017: 7 schemes or 29%).                         documents cleared         2018       2017

                                                                            Clearance of offer/        19         25
                          The largest offer for the year was in relation to   scheme documents
                          Unisem (M) Bhd, which involved RM1,816.86
                          million in offer value and constituted 25% of the   Clearance of independent   25       33
                                                                            advice circulars
                          total offer value for 2018. Other notable offers in
                          terms of value were the offers for OldTown Bhd    Applications for exemption   15       18
                          and Iskandar Waterfront City Bhd with offer values   from mandatory offer
                          of RM1,473.10 million and RM1,420.87 million      Other applications         13         18
                          respectively. The offer for Iskandar Waterfront City
                          Bhd however, eventually lapsed when Ekovest       ToTAL                      72         94

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  155

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