Page 186 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 186



                             ANd LIceNsINg

                        The number of licensed intermediaries including   There was a significant increase in the number of
                        individual licensees stood at 242 compared with   Marketing Representatives that were registered,
                        236 in previous year. The number of licensed    increasing from 320 to 541 as at December 2018.
                        representatives increased marginally to 9,587   The number of registered Trading Representatives
                        compared with 9,545 in previous year. During    declined slightly to 126 compared to 139 in the
                        the year, 805 new licensees were issued Capital   previous year.
                        Markets Services Representative’s Licence (CMSRLs)
                        to undertake various regulated activities. Advisory   In 2018, a total of 7 new licences were issued
                        segment continues to attract new entrants,      of which 5 were issued to companies for fund
                        particularly financial planning.                management and 2 to companies for financial
                                                                        planning activities. The SC continues to see interest
                        During the year, the SC liberalised the Continuous   in the fund management and financial planning
                        Professional Education Framework (CPE Framework)   segments. There was interest for digitisation in the
                        to allow greater flexibility and greater avenue to   fund management segment. In respect of cessation
                        collect CPE points. The enhanced CPE framework   of activities, 1 Capital Markets Services Licence
                        incorporates key changes such as wider selection   (CMSL) had ceased due to business realignment and
                        of learning mode, flexible CPE points award     inability to sustain its business.
                        system that recognises educational contributions
                        by experienced personnel. The new Guidelines    As at 31 December 2018, there were 242 CMSL
                        on Compliance with the Continuing Professional   holders carrying out various regulated activities as
                        Education (CPE) Requirement took effect on      defined under Schedule 2 of the CMSA. (Table 1)
                        1 August 2018.

                   176  |  PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES

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