Page 117 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 117


                           Table 2
                           Board committees

                            Committee          Key Responsibility                      Members
                            1.  Audit committee  Review effectiveness of the SC’s risk management  •  Tan Sri Dato’ Hasmah Abdullah
                                               and internal control systems and review the   (Chairman)
                                               annual financial statements.            •  Datuk Fazlur Rahman Ebrahim 5
                                                                                       •  Tan Sri Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur 11
                                                                                       •  Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee 12
                            2.  Issues committee Evaluate any proposed issuance and listing of   •  Datuk Syed Zaid Albar  (Chairman)
                                               securities of a corporation on the main market;   •  Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ranjit Ajit Singh 2
                                               corporate proposals involving acquisition of asset   •  Datuk Zainal Izlan Zainal Abidin 10
                                               which results in significant change in the business   •  Dato’ Ahmad Fairuz Zainol Abidin 3
                                               direction or policy of a corporation listed or to be   •  Datuk Francis Tan Leh Kiah 4
                                               listed on the main market; corporate proposals   •  Datuk Fazlur Rahman Ebrahim 5
                                               involving the issuance of securities for the   •  Tan Sri Mohamed Jawahar 6
                                               amalgamation of two or more corporations listed   •  Prof Dato’ Dr Hassan Said 9
                                               on the main market; and registration of listing
                            3.  Take-overs     Review take-over and merger related applications  •  Datuk Syed Zaid Albar  (Chairman)
                               and Mergers     of a novel and/ or complex nature and matters   •  Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ranjit Ajit Singh
                               committee       relating to national policy.            •  Datuk Zainal Izlan Zainal Abidin 10
                                                                                       •  Dato’ Ahmad Fairuz Zainol Abidin 3
                                                                                       •  Datuk Francis Tan Leh Kiah 4
                                                                                       •  Tan Sri Hasmah Abdullah 7
                                                                                       •  Dato’ Dr Mohd Isa Hussain 8
                                                                                       •  Johan Mahmood Merican 13
                            4.  Managed        Approve the establishment of listed schemes.  •  Datuk Syed Zaid Albar  (Chairman)
                               Investment                                              •  Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ranjit Ajit Singh
                               schemes                                                 •  Datuk Zainal Izlan Zainal Abidin 10
                               committee                                               •  Dato’ Ahmad Fairuz Zainol Abidin 3
                                                                                       •  Datuk Fazlur Rahman Ebrahim 5
                                                                                       •  Tan Sri Mohamed Jawhar Hassan 6
                                                                                       •  Tan Sri Hasmah Abdullah 7
                            5.  Licensing      Evaluate and approve (or reject) application for   •  Datuk Syed Zaid Albar  (Chairman)
                               committee       the grant of a new Capital Markets Services   •  Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ranjit Ajit Singh 2
                                               Licence (CMSL), applications for new licensed   •  Datuk Zainal Izlan Zainal Abidin 10
                                               representatives, directors, key management or   •  Dato’ Ahmad Fairuz Zainol Abidin 3
                                               compliance officers that are submitted together   •  Tan Sri Mohamed Jawhar Hassan 6
                                               with the new CMSL applications, and applications  •  Tan Sri Hasmah Abdullah 7
                                               relating to  private retirement scheme providers   •  Tan Sri Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur 11
                                               and consider any policy recommendations relating
                                               to licensing issues.

                            6.  Nomination and   Assess and formulate the remuneration of the   •  Datuk Fazlur Rahman Ebrahim
                               Remuneration    Chairman and Deputy Chief Executive (DCE)   (Chairman)
                               committee       and make appropriate recommendations to the   •  Datuk Francis Tan Leh Kiah 4
                                               Minister of Finance.                    •  Tan Sri Mohamed Jawhar Hassan 6
                                                                                       •  Prof Dato’ Dr Hassan Said 9

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  107

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