Page 119 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 119


                           The SC’s 6 steps Enterprise Risk Management Methodology

                                          •  Report periodically on                  •  Define departments’ risk
                                            status and updates in                      management structure
                                            relation to work plans                   •  Identify key risk officers

                                                                  6           1
                                                               Report      Organise

                                  •  Monitor and review                                      •  Identify inherent
                                     risk profile on         5                     2           risks within the ERM
                                     the basis of new    Monitor                 Assess        framework
                                     issues, progress of                          risk       •  Assess and score risks
                                     corrective actions                                        based on standardised
                                     and risk trends
                                                                  4           3
                                                                Adjust      Assess
                                  •  Develop and implement                             •  Identify controls within the ERM
                                     corrective action plans to address                   framework using standardised tools
                                     gaps highlighted by size of                       •  Assess and score controls based on
                                     residual risk                                        standardised methodology

                           governance, risk management and compliance      The SC has also put in place sound internal control
                           practices through implementation of various     to manage risks in its day-to-day operations.
                           guidelines and standards.
                                                                           1.   People Risk including risks from integrity
                           The Systemic Risk Oversight Committee, with          and ethical conduct of staff member and
                           members comprising all Executive Team members,       stakeholders. Management of such risks are
                           is responsible for providing the necessary           guided through:
                           challenge, deliberation and strategic direction
                           on risk management issues of the SC. The Audit        •    A revised Code of Conduct, which came
                           Committee, on behalf of the Board, reviews                 into effect on 1 July 2018, sets out the
                           the adequacy and effectiveness of the SC’s risk            expectations required of staff on ethical
                           management and internal control systems.                   conduct and standards of behaviour;

                           The SC faces various operational risks, which may     •    Statement of the SC’s Principles and
                           impact its financial position or result in operational     Standards facilitates efficient and
                           disruption. In this regard, a well established system      ethical engagement between the SC
                           of risk oversight, risk management and internal            and its external stakeholders, which
                           control is put in place through the Enterprise Risk        include suppliers, contractors, vendors
                           Management Framework. The SC is continuously               and consultants. The SC also expects
                           enhancing its approach to risk management to               its business stakeholders and all market
                           promote strong risk culture among employees                participants engaging with the SC to
                           including the management and escalation of risks.          emulate similar ethical principles;

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