Page 167 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 167




                            FuNd MANAgeMeNT                                Chart 1

                                                                           Assets managed by FMcs
                           Total assets under management (AUM) of licensed                                    31 Dec 2018
                           fund management companies (FMCs) in Malaysia       70                              31 Dec 2017
                           fell by 4.21% to RM743.58 billion as compared               57.42
                           to RM776.23 billion in 2017. In 2018, top 5 FMCs   60            57.27
                           contributed to 57.42% of total AUM as compared
                           to 57.27% in 2017 (Chart 1).                                                        42.58 42.73

                           Source of funds under management were largely     Percentage (%) 50
                           from unit trust funds, Employees Provident Fund,   30
                           corporate bodies, and wholesale funds (Table 1).
                           The funds were allocated in various asset classes and   20
                           locations, of which, investment inside Malaysia by
                           FMCs amounted to RM590.03 billion, representing    10
                           79.35% of the total AUM as at end 2018 (Chart 2).    0
                           The bulk of investment was allocated in equities with      Five largest FMCs       Remaining FMCs
                           47.24% at end 2018, as compared to 51.03% in
                           2017 (Chart 3). Similar trend was observed on assets
                           allocation inside and outside Malaysia (Chart 4).  Chart 2
                                                                           Assets invested inside and outside of Malaysia
                          Table 1
                          source of clients’ funds under management
                                                                             700                                 31 Dec 2018
                                                    2018        2017                        613.33
                           Source of funds                                             590.03                    31 Dec 2017
                                                 (RM billion)  (RM billion)  600
                           Unit trust funds        426.18      426.98
                           Employees Provident     112.13      118.50
                           Fund                                              400
                           Wholesale funds          64.95      84.68        RM billion
                           Corporate bodies         73.11      84.30         300
                           Statutory bodies and     32.81      26.79         200                                    162.90
                           government agencies                                                                153.55
                           Others                   19.58      19.93         100
                           Individuals              10.06       9.66
                           Private pension funds    4.76        5.39                   Inside Malaysia        Outside Malaysia
                           ToTAL                   743.58      776.23

                                                                                       PART 5 »» STATEMENTS, STATiSTiCS ANd ACTiviTiES  |  157

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