Page 26 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 26


                        LEAP market continues to progress               was held on 8 February 2018 in conjunction with
                                                                        the World Capital Markets Symposium. Through
                        The LEAP market launched by Bursa Malaysia      collaboration with CMM and selected industry
                        continues to progress in meeting its objective of   representatives, the workshop provided participants
                        providing a capital-raising platform for SMEs that   with an overview of the Malaysian VC landscape
                        complements other forms of capital-raising channels.   ranging from regulations to available incentives in
                        In 2018, 10 SMEs  successfully raised RM57.43   the funding and entrepreneurship ecosystem.
                        million on the LEAP market, bringing the total raised
                        since inception in July 2017 to RM69.93 million.    The SC also supported the Southeast Asia Venture
                                                                        Capital & Private Equity Conference 2018 held on
                        The 13 locally incorporated companies currently on   31 July 2018. Organised by the Malaysian Venture
                        the LEAP market come from diverse sectors       Capital and Private Equity Association, the conference
                        including technology, healthcare, consumer and   covers in-depth discussions on investment trends
                        industrial products and services, as well as    and opportunities in Southeast Asia.
                        telecommunications and media.
                                                                        Following Budget 2018, the Venture Capital Fund
                                                                        Coordination Committee (VCFCC) was formed to
                        VC and PE – supporting the funding              implement the RM1 billion VC fund allocation
                        ecosystem                                       programme. This allocation serves to, among others,
                                                                        encourage formation of new VC funds, address the
                        VC and PE are essential components in the       funding gap in the entrepreneurship ecosystem and
                        Malaysian entrepreneurship funding ecosystem. In   strengthen the expertise of Malaysian VC professionals.
                        addition to providing financial capital, VC and PE   The VCFCC, which is chaired by the SC and comprises
                        managers also provide guidance to businesses in   representatives from key domestic institutional
                        order to accelerate and realise their growth    investors, determines the minimum eligibility criteria
                        potential. As an asset class, investments in VC and   for the allocation as well as facilitates the review and
                        PE funds offer institutional investors and high net   selection of fund proposals for this allocation.
                        worth individuals avenues for portfolio diversification.
                                                                        A Request for Proposal was launched on
                        As at 2018, the Malaysian VC and PE industry saw   3 May 2018 to call for submissions by interested VC
                        total fund commitments of RM6.08 billion. The key   managers seeking funding commitments from
                        growth challenge lies in the limited participation of   investors in the VCFCC. The programme garnered
                        institutional and private investors. As a result, a   interest from both domestic and international VC
                        significant share of funding in the industry is   managers with a total of 60 proposals received and
                        sourced from government funds. To address this   reviewed by the VCFCC.
                        issue, development efforts in 2018 focused on:

                        1.   Promoting awareness of VC and PE in the    Initial coin offerings and digital asset
                             Malaysian capital market; and              exchanges
                        2.   Encouraging private investor participation in
                             VC and PE.                                 The SC continues to remain vigilant in monitoring
                                                                        the activities in the digital assets space as well as
                        To promote awareness of VC, a half-day workshop   other regulatory developments globally. Throughout
                        for VC firms and start-ups from the ASEAN region   2018, steps were taken to engage with the market

                        6    Total number of SMEs listed in 2018 on the LEAP market was 11, with one in the form of ‘proposed listing by way of introduction of
                          the entire issued share capital’, without raising funds.

                   16  |  PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH

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