Page 25 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 25



                                             MeCapan              tagla              italentpro

                           MSME’s       Ata Plus prepared   CrowdPlus gave TAG   FundedByMe helped expand  PitchIN has assisted
                           reason(s) for   Mecapan well for   La access to a diverse   ITalentPro’s network through  Signature Market to
                           choosing ECF  its fundraising    group of investors   ECF investors, who may   leverage ECF as an
                           and their    campaign by giving   and resources. These   choose to contribute to its   efficient method to
                           fundraising   useful feedback and   investors could   business expansion. This   raise capital.
                           experience   facilitating meetings   ultimately become its   fundraising method also
                                        with a diverse group of   brand ambassadors.  allowed ITalentPro to receive
                                        influential people.                    helpful suggestions from
                                                                               like-minded investors.
                           Main         Benefit(s)
                           benefits and
                           challenges   •   Provides access   •   Allows investors   •   Provides access to a   •   Provides a
                                            to a pool of new    to contribute      wide range of investors   useful platform
                                            investors;          and participate    – local, foreign, retail   for business
                                        •   Allows investors    in the business    and sophisticated; and  validation; and
                                            to provide          as mentors     •   Offers more equitable   •   Enhances
                                            constructive        and brand          terms and conditions   visibility for
                                            feedback for        ambassadors.       for all parties        follow-on
                                            further growth; and                    compared to other      funding.
                                        •   Offers an avenue                       fundraising methods.
                                            for seed-stage
                                            companies to
                                            obtain requisite
                                            guidance and

                                        •   Learning the tools   •   Managing a   •   Learning to     •   Yet to encounter
                                            of effective fund-  pool of investors   communicate with      any challenges
                                            raising;            with differing     a variety of investors   so far.
                                        •   Managing legal      mindsets and       from different
                                            documents; and      opinion while      countries;
                                        •   Learning to accept   remaining firm   •   Managing a wider
                          planners are assigned to seniors to gain practical       group of investors’
                                            critical feedback.
                                                                on the direction
                          knowledge and build soft-skills, while helping  of the company.                     expectations; and
                                                                                   Managing legal
                          to retain intellectual knowledge within the      to transition into licensed financial planners.
                          firm. In exchange for mentorship and guidance,   Investors stand to benefit from higher quality and
                          remuneration may then be shared between the      comprehensive advice offered by financial planners
                          mentor and mentee.                               in CUTA and CPRA firms.
                          The liberalised fee structure for CUTA and CPRA   Other initiatives to grow the segment include the
                          facilitates the expansion of the industry as it   launch of the SmartFinance website at the annual
                          encourages the professional development of       financial planning conference in July 2018. Funded
                          new entrants in the financial services industry   by the Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF),
                           **  Note: The above interview responses have been edited for brevity.

                                                                                          PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH  |  15

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