Page 27 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 27


                                                                                         Lim Guan Eng,
                                                                                        Minister of Finance
                                                                               “The adoption of these new technologies
                                   Fintech Conference 2018                      is important for Malaysia to break away
                                                                                from the middle income trap and start
                                   Embracing                                    roaring again as the proud Asian tiger.”

                                                                                 “MSMEs are not only the titans of
                                   Technology                                  the future but they also serve as a space
                                                                                to nurture creativity and innovation.”

                                                                                      Datuk Syed Zaid Albar,
                                                                                         SC Chairman

                                                 The SC organised
                                           the Synergistic Collaborations by SC
                                            (SCxSC) FinTech Conference on
                                      28 & 29 November 2018. In its fifth installment, this
                                    conference aimed to explore the applications of increased
                                    awareness regarding emerging Fintech innovations,in line   The completion of Project Castor
                                    with the theme, “Embracing Technology”. The conference   has resulted in the publication of 
                                       hosted multiple interactive panel discussions and     the “Capital Market Architecture
                                     workshops featuring internationally renowned speakers    Blueprint in a Decentralised
                                     encompassing topics such as artificial intelligence (AI),   KEY  World” which outlines a market
                                       cybersecurity and blockchain technology in the   ANNOUNCEMENTS  infrastructure where decentralised
                                             context of financial services.                 markets are enabled by Distributed
                                                                                                 Ledger Technology.

                                           Clara Durodie  Zoe Rose  Michael Casey  CO INVESTMENT FUND
                                          Executive Chair,     Ethical   Co-Author  RM50 million fund will
                                          Cognitive Finance   Hacker, Baringa   The Age of
                                            Group    Partners  Cryptocurrency and   match investors from private
                                                            The Truth Machine        sectors on a 1-to-4
                                                                                     basis for ECF and
                                                                                     P2P investments.
                                   of attendees were
                                     from Finance,                                       BREAKOUT SESSIONS
                                    Fintech and Tech         Over 1,000
                                      industries             attendees               •  Equity Crowdfunding Investor Day
                                                                                     •  P2P financing demonstrations by
                                                                                       registered platform operators
                                                                                     •  Digital investment management
                                              15     Speakers                        •  Supercharger Demo Day
                                                     from across
                                                     the globe

                                                                                          PART 1 »» ENABLING SHARED VALUE GROWTH  |  17

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