Page 59 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 59


                            EnFoRcEMEnT HIGHLIGHTS 2018
                            The SC continues to focus its enforcement efforts to achieve credible deterrence and instil a
                            culture of good governance among market participants.

                                  ADMINISTRATIVE                  CIVIL                             CRIMINAL
                                  ACTION                          ENFORCEMENT                       PROSECUTION

                                Holding professionals        RM9,259,608.60 disgorged        14 criminal charges were
                                    and directors              from 18 individuals for          preferred against
                                accountable for their        insider trading and market        8 individuals in 2018
                                    misconduct:                    manipulation

                              80 administrative sanctions
                              were imposed:                   Disgorgement of illegal         Judicial recognition on
                                                               proceeds from market           the gravity of securities
                              •   32 reprimands                       abuse:                        offences:
                              •   3 licences revoked
                              •   1 licences suspended       1.  Insider trading by one
                              •   32 penalties totaling          individual:                1.  Fines between RM70,000
                                  RM6.39 million imposed                                        to RM7 million against
                              •   10 directives                 •   Ordered to pay              7 individuals, totaling
                              •   2 public statements               RM3,238,760.55 –            RM19.27 million
                                  against retention of              3 times the loss
                                  public office by a director       avoided                 2.  6 individuals sentenced
                                                                                                between 6 months to
                                                                •   Civil penalty of            5 years of imprisonment
                              Penalties and reprimands              RM500,000 imposed           for:
                               were imposed in various              by High Court
                               entities, their directors,
                                reporting accountant         2.  Market manipulation by 7       •   Committing insider
                              and principal adviser for,         individuals:                       trading with the
                                   among others:                                                    disposal of 350,000
                                                                •   Consent judgement               shares while in
                              1.  Knowingly authorising             for 3 times the profit          possession of
                                  the furnishing of false           earned, amounting to            material non-public
                                  or misleading financial           RM3,073,231.92                  information
                                  statements to Bursa
                                  Malaysia                      •   Joint civil penalty of      •   Furnishing false
                                                                    RM750,000                       statements to Bursa
                              2.  Failure to disclose material                                      Malaysia in relation
                                  developments relating         •   Barred from being               to fictitious purchases
                                  to its listing on the Main        directors of PLCs and
                                  Board of Bursa Malaysia           from trading on Bursa           worth RM119 million
                                                                    Malaysia for 5 years
                              3.  Failure to conduct proper                                     •   Defrauding a
                                  due diligence during a                                            co-operative of
                                  listing exercise, in breach                                       RM350,000 by
                                  of the Guidelines of Due                                          representing to be a
                                  Diligence Conduct for                                             remisier when he was
                                  Corporate Proposals                                               not licensed

                                                                                               PART 2 »» SHAPING MARKET CONDUCT  |  49

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