Page 56 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 56


                       thematic  review  on  Suspicious  transactions  reports

                              BAckGRound                                           SuPERVISoRy ouTcoME

                         The suspicious transactions reports (STR) submitted by   Issue an industry communiqué to all intermediaries
                         licensed intermediaries to the Financial Intelligence and   on SC’s observations and expectations in relation
                         Enforcement Department (FIED) of BNM are important   to STRs.
                         sources of financial intelligence to measure the
                         effectiveness of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter
                         Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) framework.

                         A thematic review was conducted to assess and evaluate
                         the quality of STR submissions as well as internal practices
                         put in place by intermediaries to identify, analyse and
                         document suspicious transactions. Observations and
                         expectations arising from the thematic review were shared
                         during a compliance workshop held in July 2018.

                         •   STRs are generally lodged with BNM FIED within an acceptable timeframe.

                         •   Majority of the licensed intermediaries have adequate detection, escalation and reporting mechanism on unusual
                             or suspicious transactions.

                         •   Intermediaries have proper record-keeping measures to ensure sensitive information and documents relating to
                             suspicious transactions are kept in a secured environment.
                         •   Most of the STRs lodged were initiated from the law enforcement agencies’ investigation orders or adverse reports
                             posted via BNM’s Financial Intelligence System (FINS).

                         •   Some of the STR submissions provided adequate description of the nature and circumstance of suspicion with
                             analysis to support the suspicious transactions.

                         •   There is a need for intermediaries to review the efficiency and effectiveness of their suspicious transaction
                             reporting process and the timeliness as well as the quality of their STRs.

                   46  |  PART 2 »» SHAPING MARKET CONDUCT

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