Page 54 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 54


                       thematic  review  on  Liquidity  risk  Management

                              BAckGRound                                           SuPERVISoRy ouTcoME

                         In 2018, IOSCO issued a set of best practices and    Issue guidance to industry to improve LRM
                         recommendations on managing the liquidity risks of   practices of open-ended CIS.
                         collective investment schemes (CIS) to protect the
                         interests of investors, particularly in stressed market
                         conditions and to mitigate systemic risk.

                         Following IOSCO’s recommendations, the SC conducted
                         a thematic review on the liquidity risk management (LRM)
                         framework of CIS funds.


                         •   The liquidity risks in the fund management sector remain well-managed, and generally, fund management
                             companies have taken steps to enhance their liquidity risk management frameworks.

                         •   In the product design phase, most fund management companies take into consideration liquidity risks and
                             assess the ability to meet the relevant liquidity requirements that will apply to the CIS. However, there is a need
                             to enhance the policies and procedures to guide managers in their decisions.

                         •   Fund management companies set internal liquidity indicators or thresholds and continuously assess the liquidity
                             position of the funds against these thresholds. Nevertheless, sophistication of indicators can be enhanced to
                             strengthen oversight of the liquidity profile of individual funds.

                         •   All systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) and a number of other fund managers are performing
                             liquidity stress testing of their funds on an ongoing basis.

                         •   Some fund management companies have put in place contingency plans to ensure that applicable liquidity
                             management tools can be exercised in a prompt and orderly manner in the event of potential failures to meet
                             redemptions in time.

                   44  |  PART 2 »» SHAPING MARKET CONDUCT

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