Page 58 - SC Annual Report 2018 (ENG)
P. 58


                        Enhancing regulatory framework for               Pre-emptive measures through cease
                        capital market services providers                and desist directives

                        In 2018, the SC introduced a registration        The SC also issues cease and desist directives to
                        framework for capital market services providers with   entities and individuals who are suspected of
                        the release of the Guidelines on Registration and   carrying out illegal schemes or unlicensed activities.
                        Conduct of Capital Market Services Providers (CMSP   Where necessary, the cease and desist orders were
                        Guidelines). Under these new guidelines, all trustees   accompanied by media releases to ensure the
                        and issuing houses are required to register with the   public is sufficiently warned about these illegal or
                                                                         unlicensed schemes or activities.
                        SC effective  2 January 2019.

                                                                         In 2018, the SC issued five cease and desist orders:
                        The new registration framework streamlines the
                        requirements and introduces registration criteria
                        such as entry standards and ongoing conduct       January
                        obligations to create a level-playing field among   •   CopyCash Foundation was directed to
                        trustees. To enhance efficiency, the new CMSP         immediately cease all its activities including a
                        Guidelines will implement a one-time registration     purported plan to launch an ICO in Malaysia.
                        instead of the current product-based registration,
                        which requires trustees for unit trust funds to renew   April & May
                        registration periodically.                        •   AlgoMerchant and Dagang Algomecs were
                                                                              directed to cease providing trading solutions and
                        The new registration framework is consistent          investment strategy to investors.
                        with the SC’s efforts to ensure proportionality
                        in regulation and realigning the SC’s regulatory   •   These activities fall within the definition of
                                                                              providing investment advice, dealing in securities
                        approach in order to enhance capital market           and/or fund management under Schedule 2 of
                        efficiency. It also seeks to ensure that capital market   the CMSA.
                        services providers prioritise investors’ interest in all
                        their decision-making processes. The framework    July
                        places greater emphasis on the responsibilities
                        of board and management by holding them           •   Lendingstar Malaysia was directed to cease its
                                                                              activities of operating a recognised market and
                        accountable for the conduct of the registered         providing automated trading facilities as these
                        entities and their representatives.                   activities require registration with or a licence
                                                                              from the SC under the securities laws.

                         PuRSuInG cREdIBLE dETERREncE                     September
                         THRouGH EnFoRcEMEnT
                                                                          •   Lavidacoin was directed to cease all promotional
                                                                              activities pending further review.
                        Enforcement remains an integral part of the
                        SC’s ongoing efforts to instil a culture of good   •   A media release from the SC reminded investors
                        governance. The SC’s enforcement approach is          to be cautious and exercise due diligence
                        premised on achieving credible deterrence through     before participating in any investment schemes
                        the exercise of its administrative, civil and criminal   particularly those involving cryptocurrencies and
                                                                              digital tokens.

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